9. Selby will see you now

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'Winter soldier.' Zemo said in another language as men started to approach attack. He put a hand on Zemo's shoulder and Bucky grabbed the man flipping him over, he fell to the ground another attacked and another bucky took them down easily enough the bartender noticed the commotion making a call to up top.

'It didn't take much for him to fall back into form.' Zemo noted to Sam as men start to load their guns around him. 'Stay in character or the whole bar turns on us.' Zemo told Sam as he reached out to stop Bucky. Karma looked between them, of course she had seen the winter soldier on the news but to see it be her bucky and right in front of her.

'Well done Winter soldier.' Zemo said as Bucky hesitated.

'Selby will see you now.' Karma said and Bucky let go of the man, he fall to the ground in a heap at their feet.

'You good?' Sam asked he nodded as they walked off.

'Come on,' Karma said softly her eyes searching for Sharon.

'Karma can we talk after this?" Bucky questioned.

"Right in here.' Karma said opening the door.

Drugs money and guns the trifecta all behind the bar as they made their way to Selby.

'You should know Baron I don't like when people come into my bar and make demands.' Selby told them leaning back on the couch, watching them cautiously as they came in. 'Karma please stay, this wont take long and I need to talk to you.' Karma nodded.

'Not a demand an offer.' Zemo corrected looking over at Karma, he knew her innocent act was just that, an act. He saw danger in her, confidence, this little show she was putting on for bucky, was a show, now he just had to figure out why.

'A lot of changes since you were here last...' then she noticed Bucky and Sam 'by the way I thought you were rotting away in a German prison. How did you escape?'

'People like us always find a way don't we? I'm sure you've already figured out what I'm here for.' Zemo told her.

'You're taller than I've heard... Smiling tiger,' she said pointing a finger at Sam he nodded to her and she purred happily. 'what's the offer?' she asked.

'Tell us what you know about the super soldier serum,' Zemo said getting up 'and I'll give you him,' he moved to Bucky 'along with the code words to control him of course.' 'He will do anything you want,' he said running a handover Buckys face. Bucky kept his hard gaze on Karma as she glanced around the room assessing the room.

'"Now that's the Zemo I remember. I'm glad I decidedly not to kill you immediately. You were right to come to me. Arrogant but right. The super soldier serum is here in mandripoor doctor Wilfred Nagel is the man you want to thank or condemn depending on what side of this you are on. The power broker had him working on the serum but things didn't go as planned,' she told him. Power broken, Karma thought and had to hide the knowing from her eyes, her fingers went back down to her phone quickly messaging Sharon again.

Problem. Bucky, Zemo, Selby. Send.

'Is Negal still in mandripoor?' Zemo pushed

'oh the bread crumbs you can have for free but the bakery is going to cost you baron.' Selby said to getting up 'and don't think you can get all cute and find him without me.' Sam's phone started to ring pulling their attention to him he looked to see that it was Sarah, his sister calling. 'Answer it on speaker.' Selby demanded and her men stepped closer sam begrudgingly answered the phone.

'Hello,' he said stiffly

'Hey... We need to talk about the situation it's been driving me nuts.' Sarah said.

'What situation are you talking about?' Sam said coolly.

'What situation? Are you high it's the only situation me and you have.' Sarah sassed.

'What situation Sarah say it.' Sam demanded

'The damn boat and watch your tone I let it slide with the bank,' Sarah told him, Karma quirked a brow as she watched the scene unfold. Sam wasn't as good an actor as Bucky or Zemo it seemed.

'Yeah the bank,' he said trying to play it cool 'launder so much money they'll come around.'

'If that's the case then why have they been dragging this out so long?" Sarah countered

'You damn right I'm big time you'll see when I have that bank-'

'Kids!' she called 'what did I tell you about those Cheerios I don't have time for this. Sam I'm sorry let me call you back,' she said hanging up

'Sam?' Selby asked 'who is Sam? Kill them.' she demanded but a bullet came flying through the window killing her instantly. Sam and Bucky attacked the guards as they made their way out.

'They are going to pin this on us!' Sam reminded them.

'We have a real problem now follow my lead.' Zemo told them.

'Fucking hell,' Karma muttered. 'Leave your weapons, follow MY lead,' Karma corrected.

'What?" Bucky questioned and she spun around her phone. A bounty had just been set selby dead B1K bounty for her had been delivered to everyone in mandripoor they quickly made their way through the town trying to go unnoticed but soon bullets were flying everywhere they ran Zemo splitting off from the other two.

'I can't run in these heels!' Sam shouted, as Karma looked down to her bare feet, she had long since slipped off her heels behind the bar, she had completely forgotten.

They were cornered when a woman from window came shooting down killing their assassins they looked up but she was gone.

'Thank god.' Karma muttered noticing the blonde hair sweep away from the window.

'Seems you have a Guardian angel.' Zemo noted joining them again.

'Will this is too perfect.' Sharon said pulling down her hood. 'Drop it Zemo.'


'You cost me everything,' Sharon said pointing the gun at him Karma joined her taking Zemo's weapon.

'Sharon wait, someone recreated the super soldier serum and Zemo has a lead.' Sam told her hands raised.

'That explains why you idiots out here and Shelby is dead.' Sharon sneered.

'So what are you doing here?' Bucky questioned 'what are you both doing here?" Bucky questioned.

'I stole Steve's shield remember? I also took the wings for your ass to,' pointer going to Sam 'so you could save his ass' she pointed the gun at Bucky 'From his ass!' she pointed back at Zemo 'and unlike you I didn't have the avengers to back me up so I'm off the grid in mandripoor.'

'I was on the run to,' Sam reminded her

'Was it is, is a big difference.' she reminded him 'I don't speak to my family anymore I can't. My own father doesn't know where we are.' Sharon told them

'you took Karma with you.' Bucky remarked.

"We have been through a lot together.' Karma told him. 'She didn't give me a choice in the matter but I would have went either way.'

'Me and you against the world.' Sharon confirmed and a smirk covered Karma's purple tinted lips.

'Listen Sharon we need your help,' Bucky told her and she laughed, 'please.'

'This isn't over... I have a place in high town that should be safe for a while,' she said and Sam pushed Zemo forward as they followed her.

Karma // Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now