chapter 14

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Aaron's POV 

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Aaron's POV 

I was at my part time job. I worked as an intern here. It's low income at least for me, most of the others

looked at me gaping when I mentioned it so I never mentioned it again it's not that. I don't slack off. I take this job very seriously even more so now that I'm independent, I still have my income but how long will my mother keep sending money until that deviant little bitch cuts in and off my income. 

Thank God, my break is finally here and I can get away from this computer screen. This job is not easy, well life isn't easy either. 

I took out my umbrella because it's a very sunny day. This is a nightmare to me, I have bad memories of the past when I was a kid. I was extremely disobedient so when they told me never to play in the sun I didn't listen. So I ran in and played all day and night. I got severe sunburn which led to my parents back when they were still a happy functioning family or rather back before I was opened to the truth.

I was my parents apple of their eyes so what the fuck happened?! I keep wondering. As I walked through the streets pointing my umbrella in the direction where I can feel the most sunlight, I could feel people staring at me oddly. I didn't care. I ain't getting skin cancer because of a burn of judgemental eyes.

Luckily I reached the nearby cafe where Nick and I agreed to meet. Luckily it was just a walkaway from my work. 

When I entered the cafe he put up his hand that was at a different corner of the cafe away from the window thank God. 

I gave a small smile then sat on the opposite side of him facing him. "This makes me think you picked this place just because of me" 

He chuckled at me, "well it's more, convenient for you for sure" he said smiling 

He did on purpose, I paused, biting my lip looking into those sweet brown eyes of his from his wavy brown hair to his soft lips that smiled gently at me. I looked away feeling my cheeks heat up.

 I looked away feeling my cheeks heat up

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Nick's POV 

I placed my chin on the back of my hands that were intertwined with each other looking at him. Now he seemed to be in a better mood. Michael still didn't come last night and when I did check up on him. Let's just say he wasn't reflecting a bit on his actions.

Was he always like this? Did I do something wrong when raising him? I looked at Aaron whose cheeks seemed flushed. He had pale complexion so naturally if he was blushing or flustered it was easily seen. It's cute why he was even flustered anyway.

"Oh my the great Aaron flustered. I wonder what he could be thinking about?" I said in teasing manner 

"It's hot in here" he pouts at me 

"We are literally below the A.C" I pointed up 

He looked up so quickly I was worried he might have snapped his neck. His eyes widened, surprised.

"Well…. I'm still hot" he composed himself

He looked at me glaring as if he'd get angry if I didn't drop the topic. "So what would you like order"

"Do they have you on the menu?" 

".......... no" 

"That's too bad" 

Maybe I'm getting over myself but is he 'flirting' with me? Wait even if he was based on his personality it can be because of 1 of 2 things. He has intentions towards me or just friendly flirting, something that Aaron is definitely capable of. 

There is a saying that; no one can flirt like a person who has no intention towards you. 

It's painful but true the painful parts of being friendzoned.

"Well, why order when you have the real thing free?" I asked jokingly 

He looked at me blinking, am I terrible or that simply was too much. He put his loose hair behind his ear and smirked at me. Something eerie.

 Something eerie

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Corey POV

I walked in the room to see Juhan sitting while texting on his phone, he looked at me acknowledging my presence then went back down to his phone.

"You really fucked over Aaron didn't" he said 

"I told the two of us will not remain under the same roof" I said 

"And you think fucking his boyfriend is a good way to do that?" He raised a brow even though he was still staring at his phone screen.

"Michael wanted me and I wanted him" 

".......mmm" he said 

"Are you not even a little phased by all this? This is your son after all?" 

"You did Aaron a favor by getting rid of cheating trash you just hope he doesn't do the same shit to you like he did with him" he said 

And this person was seen as stupidly gullible wife, this person has been cheated on for more 20 years and he couldn't care less about it. No anger no sadness no nothing, it drove dad mad every time but that's their business. I just need to stabilize my future. Time is running out on me.


"I'm not your mother" 

"But you are, Juhan, when are you going to tell them that I'm not my dad's bastard but yours?" 

I asked, this person just refused to acknowledge that I'm his child.

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