chapter 40

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Aaron's POV 

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Aaron's POV 

I didn't answer straight away. I didn't want to lead him on and turned him down, because I'm very unsure on how to approach him now. This was about sex and revenge but now it's different, can really go on with this?

I looked at the door as he walked in with a tray with food. He looked at me smiling as he placed it down on the bed in front of me. He used the forth to take up some of the food.

"Open your mouth" he chuckled 

"I can feed myself you know" 

"But your hand is injured" he said 

I looked at the fork and at him, as if he could sense my discomfort he gently placed it down and looked me into the eyes.

"Aaron, you don't have to worry too much about it. I'm just saying how I feel, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable nor did i want to lie, we can still be as we are if you prefer it I'm truly okay with spoiling you rotten" he said calmly at me 

It's not okay once feelings are involved, it's not okay to take advantage of people's feelings especially if you're aware of them. Because I don't want to hurt him that way when he's been nothing but nice to me. 

"Can you give me some time? I will not take advantage of a person's feelings like that Nick I'm not that person" I told him 

He looked at me their was this slight sadness reflected in his eyes but he leans and nods, "okay, I'll be waiting for your answer" 

I can tell that in his mind there were waves of thoughts flowing. I can't blame him, after all he caught feelings during this. I got up and left so I don't make it more awkward for the both of us, we are grown people after all.

That night I went to the apartment with a lot on my mind, I went with the intent of getting revenge but I got complications instead. Part of me says I should go do it this would totally drive Michael bonkers and another part of me says I shouldn't if I don't like Nick I shouldn't play with his feelings especially since he's been so honest with me because he could have chose not to tell me and the both of us would be having wild sex.

The first side again says that it is fine that Nick doesn't mind while the other says I do mind and knowingly hurting a person's feelings like that would be the beginning of becoming the same person as Michael who knowingly didn't love me and lead me on. Would truly be okay with this? 

I barely slept that night and decided to meet up with my big sis. It's been a while since we last spoke so I feel kind of distant from her recently.

Looking at she looked as beautiful and as pretty as always headstrong but she looks like she has a lot on her mind. Was it dating issues? She told me she started dating someone.

"Hey sis, how have you been?" 

"I have a lot to think about, you?" She said taking a sip of her coffee

"Well, it's the same but I'll hear your side first" I said, I then took a sip of my espresso as I looked at her.

"Aaron I know you will get angry at me for this but please promise me you'd listen to the whole story" she said sternly 

Any sentence that begins like that leads to violence, what did she do now. "I'm listening" I said raising a brow 

"So it turns out we shared different fathers" she said 

"....... uh….. really?" This was a flat really like I kinda guessed it really

Because even if there was no reason I kinda felt that we didn't share the same fathers, it's that feeling in your gut that I never really felt curious enough to scratch in. 

"You knew?" She asked 

"No, but how did you find out?" I asked, I know Amoya she would not one day be curious about stuff like that 


I looked at her with the corner of my lips formed into a frown, "what?" 

"Listen, he came to me one day asking me to keep you in check and mentioned then added the numbers and I got curious" she said in a low tone 

"Let me guess you agreed to keep me "in check", of all people Amoya-"

"I know Aaron! I know. I won't interfere with your life but I just don't want to keep it from you" she said in a beckoning tone

I didn't like it one bit, I hated it. I don't know I just felt kinda betrayed for some reason, but I didn't delve deeper. I love my sister anyway.

"Tell me the rest" 

"Tell me the rest" 

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Johan's POV 

I was on the balcony looking down into the pool that looked as if it was shining in the night. I blew the cigarette smoke from my mouth as I felt my legs weaken and relaxed.

I slowly sat on the floor, there I saw someone sitting on the railing looking down at me. "Johan, what are you doing?" 

Ah, Eve, why is she here again? Right, it's time to talk about my pills now. "Johan, Johan" 

I ignored her as she walked behind me calling my name, I like that she addresses me as the name as I like. I went to my room then into my bathroom and opened my safe. I looked at the many pills I have, I took four bottles and took a pill from each one. I rinsed out the glass cup I kept in my bathroom then poured water in there and drank it. This made the pills easier to swallow.

I looked in the mirror and I saw Eve looking at me with great sadness. I stooped down in the sink to wash my face and by the time I was up again Eve was gone. 

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