chapter 34

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Gomez's POV 

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Gomez's POV 

I walked to the kitchen where Spencer, he gave me a concerned look as the kid whose name turns out to be Aaron was making coffee.

"He is puking out heaven and hell in there don't think he'd have the strength when his done" I said as I sat on the stool around the counter 

"Then I best go give him a shower first" Aaron smiled 

He winked at Spencer before leaving the room, I looked at Spencer trying not to smile. What are they up to? 

I pulled Spence closer to me holding soft the ass as I look into Spencer's eye's "I hope you and your friend aren't up to anything crazy" 

Spence wrapped zir arm around me then smiled, "if we are, are you going to arrest us? How about we bargain first inspector" 

"You're asking me to ignore the law and my job?" I raised a brow 

Spencer sighed then eased off me "sometimes you stiff up at the wrong time and in the wrong time it's a joke" Spence rolled his eyes 

He then passes me the plate of pasta, something tells me the petty bitch side of him is slowly coming. "I don't have a sense of humor" 

"I can see that quite clearly, do you want anything?" He said with a sigh he sounded annoyed 

"No thank you" 

"Didn't think so, I'll be in my room eat by yourself" 

I guess I annoyed Spencer after all. 

Aaron's POV 

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Aaron's POV 

I looked at Nick who was leaning back against the sink, then I went over and started to pull his shirt. "Let's get you freshen up" 

"Don't have any clothes here" 

"Don't worry about that, you need rest" 

I smiled as he whole body was revealed, I can't get over how much I love this man's stature. Tight abs, large chest plates let's not mention the eight packs. 

I help take off his clothes and put them in the washer, where he relaxes in the bath. I used the pipe to spray on him to sober him up some more. 

After bathing him and taking a bath myself, I gave him some of the clothes that I stole from yours truly. We were now cuddling in bed, there was truly no mood for aftermath activities. 



"Tonight was great, I hope we can do it more often" he said looking into my eyes

His hands were gently rubbing against my shoulder, his voice sounded so sweet and genuine. A small curved form at the end of my lips, "okay let's go another time" 

He smiled then leaned in, kissed my forehead, he hugged me at the hips then closed his eyes; sleeping, I hugged him gently as I closed my eyes and slept in each other's embrace.


I woke up later in the morning, the first thing I realized was Drake's phone vibrating like crazy. I looked at the phone screen to see who it was, and as if fate it was the bastard. I don't usually do things like this especially since this is a relationship with lots of boundaries and is not even an official one. But the devil inside me couldn't resist. I blame Nick for giving me access to his phone. 

I took it up and walked out answering it, "hello this is Aaron's apartment how may I help you?" 

"........ Aaron?! What the fuck are you doing with dad's phone?!" I yelled in disbelief 

I pulled the phone back to not try and deaf myself, but I smiled. "Well I went to pick up the package and I must say I am pleased with its services. Top quality" I said giving my feedback 

I walked out to see Spencer coming out of zir room, I put it on speaker smirking. Spencer snuck up to me with this adrenaline in zir eyes.

"What the fuck did you do with my dad!! I swear if you-" 

"I'm sorry inform but because of certain issues I wasn't able to use the package up to its highest highest qualities last night so if you could give me more time" 

"Don't you dare try anything" 

"Enjoy the package of course I will, after having good breakfast I wi-" 

He cut me off before I could finish, Spencer and I looked at each other.

"This will be fun, let me go get the bat" Spencer said trailing off to zir room

I smiled and looked at Nick's phone screen that had a picture of him and kid Michael. They do look so inseparable here. 

It makes me wonder why they are the way they are. I used to have a close relationship with my mother. My father wasn't the greatest but he wasn't the worst. Everything just became different from Corey's arrival. 

I miss my mother, I miss my family. 

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