chapter 37

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Warning this chapter may contains; sexual assault, violence, abuse rape Etc

Warning this chapter may contains; sexual assault, violence, abuse rape Etc

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Previous Johan's POV

"Mommy, why was uncle touching your but to?"

I looked at my sweet baby girl who I was tucking in bed right now. "what?"

"I saw uncle touching your butt, I noticed uncle touches mom a lot so I asked the teachers if it's okay but said it was a normal adult thing they do when they like each other, but mommy looked scared" she said looking at me

I bit my bottom lip, I tried to save the tears that were threatening to fall from my eyes. I didn't want her to see that, what should I tell her? She is only a child. How do I explain this to her?

"Mommy is just worried, it's an adult thing. Kids should not see" I said

"But why? My friend said her mommy and daddy kisses and they look happy. Why aren't you happy, mommy?"

I looked at her and caressed her fat cheek, "I am happy"

Amoya knitted her eyebrows upset which made he resembles Sebastian a lot.

"Mommy don't lie, you're always lying. When grandmother comes you lie when uncle comes you lie and now you're lying" she said

I hate how she can see through me, I don't want her to grow mature yet. She turned on the bed and cover with the sheets. "I don't want to talk to you I'm sleeping"

I sighed as I turned off the lights. She is only 5 years old, she shouldn't be exposed to such things. But how do I run? I want to leave, this is already the 10th attempt this year. I looked at my trembling hands and rubbed them together as I walked through the halls I needed to remain composed and think of something.

Where can I find a place where we can hide? Think, Johan, think, you've managed to stay under the radar for 3 years once you can do it again except longer this time.

As I turned on the lights in the room my breath hinged at the man sitting on my bed. He smiled at me.

"H-how did you get here I chang-"

"It's me Johanna, are you really asking that question?" He smiled at me

I can already tell by the look in his eyes, I wasn't gonna sleep peacefully tonight. "For the past 5 years have I ever really?"

"You need to stop this, you're scaring Amoya. It's hard coming up with excuses"

I was looking down but I could already hear his footsteps walking towards me, he then used his hand to block both sides of the wall. "I don't see why you need to come up with excuses, all you have to is"

He grabbed my chin violently squeezing them, I hissed feeling the force from his grips.

"Stop being such a disobedient little bitch and comply with the marriage plans" he groaned

I held his arm, "you're hurting me!" I yelped

He let's go quickly he then gently caressed my arms, "I'm sorry, but you keep trying to make me angry. Johanna, you know I love you right?" He asked in a whimpering tone.

I looked away and muttered under my breath, "I don't want your love"

It seemed as though he heard because seconds later he slapped me so hard that the inner part of my lip tore and I had the sweet taste of blood within my lips.

"You don't want my love?!" He grabbed me by my neck and started to shake me, "but you want his love?! You even have his child. I even forgave you! I forgave you! How can you hurt me like that Johanna!"

He shakes me as he dragged me to the bed, "you're still thinking about him aren't you?! I can make you stop"

"No! Stop don't"

I was thrashing about with my hands and feet but one hand slap from his rough hands knocked the strength out of me. It wasn't long before he tore my clothes and forced himself onto me.

Why does my mother let this happen to me? Why is she forcing me to be with a man like this? Can't she see I'm hurting?

I'm a mother myself and I rather commit murder than allow someone like this to touch my child. So why was it so different?

My heart beat stopped as my breath hinged, I was looking at the door and there stood Amoya with her favorite plushie.



Just feeling antsy today.

Was gonna write a good chap but takes to a certain person who ruined my day I wrote this

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