chapter 39

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Sebastian's POV 

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Sebastian's POV 

I walked into Johanna's office to give her the rest of the papers. I looked towards her desk and there she was using one hand to balance her chin. Her elbow was on the table, while her long lashes trembled as she was sleeping. I turned my head and looked at the white sofa that was large enough to probably fit her body inside.

I sighed as I walked up to the table and placed the papers down. It was gentle and quiet so I wouldn't shake her awake. I  walked around the desk slowly and put my hand under her armpit and another under her legs and slowly dragged her up in a bridal position. 

I don't know which part of my actions shook her because she suddenly shot her eyes open and hit, "put me down! Don't touch me!! Don't touch me!!" 

She began to thrash in my arms as she repeated those words. I put her down quickly as she retracted from me hugging herself trembling in terror, I've never seen Johanna so scared in my life. I don't know what made her like this. 

"Johanna, Johanna" 

"Don't call me that! Leave me alone! Get out! leave me alone! don't call me that! I hate it!" 

Her eyes were shaky. "Joha-, Johan, Johan" I said trying to reach her, I stopped retracting my hand. "Johan" 

She paused for a second and looked up at me, like clearly looking at me. Her once quicken break slows down as she tries to control it. She took a few more steps away from me. I didn't try to touch her to stop her, she knitted her brows.

"What are you doing here?" She asked in a serious low tone 

"Delivering the papers," I answered 

I looked at her still trembling body, I think if I took a step closer it would freak her out.

"Ah, yes. You can leave now" she said 

"Before that, Johan, is your husband-" 

"Don't put basic assumptions on my husband" she said cutting me off

"I'm not, it's just that you look and still do look terrified, is that why you're staying with him?" 

She glared at me, "you don't get to make stupid assumptions on who I marry also. Why are you here?" 

"I just-" 

"I mean why did you come back, you've been gone for 27 years why did you come back?" She asked 

I looked at her, "I found out about Amoya and with your famil-" 

"Right, you're here for Amoya, not me. Amoya so you have not right to assume or snoop in my private life so if you don't want to get fired get out of my office" 

Her voice sounds–
I had no words to retort. She was not wrong but I wanted to protect my family and I . Was I supposed to stay? 
Was I supposed to stay and risk the lives of my family?

 Was I supposed to stay? Was I supposed to stay and risk the lives of my family?

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Aaron's POV 

I'm here in the kitchen, holding a knife cutting carrots.

"I'm gonna burn the house down" I said 

"No, not with me here" Nick came behind me and gently moved my hand up a bit before I chop my own fucking finger off, "just relax, not everything needs to be learned in one day" 

He kissed the back of my ear as he took up the big size carrot that I cut and ate it then walked off. 

Nick is teaching me how to cook, so I'm cutting the ingredients that need to be cut. Under his supervision of course, slicing the tomato I sneaked a peak at the man who was stirring the pot, he was so focused he looked so sexy. 


I yelped out as I dropped the knife and stooped down holding my finger that had a big cut on it. Nick rushed over to me holding my hand revealing a big cho on it.

"Come over at the sink" 

He guided me at the kitchen sink and turned on the pipe as the water pressure forced down on my fingers.


"Sorry, I guess I should have paid more attention to you" he said

"No, I'm not an elementary school kid" I said frowning 

"No, but as a teacher I should pay attention my student" 

After washing the cut he took a napkin and wrapped my finger. He instructed a maid to finish the cooking.

He brought me up to his room and took out his first aid kit, cleaning my wound and neatly bandaging it.

"This should be changed a lot so it don't suffocate the wound" Nick said 

"It still hurts" I said puffing

He smiled then gently kissed them, "does that feel better?" 

I looked at him, then took my arms and wrapped it around him. "Cooking is dangerous" I said 

"Hunger is pain" 

He smirked at me as I looked into his eyes, "back at my apartment did you mean what you said?" 

"I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it, I told you you're a great person why wouldn't I want to date you?" He said

I know why, but my heart softened when he said that I looked away feeling a bit flustered. Why am I flustered? 

But then again what if he's just saying that now, then later on he will have the same complaints as well. Again children tend to learn from their parents what if Nick just feels this now but in the long run he is not up with it. 

Then again, a relationship is all about risk. I can take a risk, but am I prepared to relive what I experienced?


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