chapter 28

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Nick's POV 

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Nick's POV 

I took Aaron back to the room, seeing his tears hurt my heart. I guess he saw the person, this is my first time seeing them as well but I never thought that I'd see Aaron break down. 

He's really a strong person but like every human he gets hurt too, now I'm holding the petite person into my embrace. After a while later he looked up at me "I'm okay now" he said 

"Are you sure?" 

"Yeah" he said he pushed himself out my arms

It felt cold for some time, I looked at him closely and his expression soon sober up. Ah, now I see Aaron isn't one to rely upon emotional support for long someone is level head in some way. 

Contradictory to Michael who feels as if you aren't relying on your partner you aren't needed, Aaron has his head where it belongs. Michael is looking for something similar to a broken and easy person, but that's not Aaron, someone to wallow for long, just need a few minutes then his back up again. 

While in some way he is immature, Aaron seems mature and more in control of his life than most his age. Truly an interesting and beautiful person, I walked up to him and held his face gently on his lips softly. He looked at me surprised.

He touches my hand then frown "my ass is sore" 


I smiled. He really thought I wanted to do it after seeing him like that? "I honestly wasn't there for once" 

"So why did you kiss me?" He asked raising a brow

"Cause your kissable" I answered casually 

"Kiss me, that's all you wanted" he said 

He looked at me with that piercing sexy gaze, then he looked down and raised a brow. "Okay! it was all I wanted before promise" 

It's crazy, my manhood just reacted over a gaze, just a piercing look was all it took. No intimate touching, no kissing , just a look.

"Well, my ass is still sore. Although your son will likely burst through the door any minute now so" 

He used one hand to push me back. I kept stepping back until my knees hit the bed and I dropped down sitting. 

"Let's make him see how professionals do it" he pulled out my cock resting his cheek on it while slightly squinting his eyes and giving me that cold seductive smile.

I looked at him, beautiful and petty as well as dangerous as hell. 

He then started to kiss and suck on tip, "I reckon you not do that" I advise, "your mouth is not only small but-" 

"Shut up and let me do my job" he commands me 

I did as the boss said I shut up, I looked at him as he kissed the tips then slowly started to suck the top. His tiny mouth started to widened as he he slurp down.

Feeling tiny mouth slowly covering my cock, slowly engulfing it. Michael if your coming not now.

His warm mouth covered me slowly I could feel it at the back of his throat and the guking sounds his mouth his mouth is making as he force it down. I looked at his tear soaked cheeks they were streaming down so much. 

I gritted groaning, fuck even inside his mouth his great. "Aaron" my gruff voice slowly called his name.

"Hmm" he looked at me 

"Please forgive me for this" I begged before gently holding both sides of his head.

I thrust his head down, to his shock I could hear him choke as my cocky reached futher down his oesophagus. In that instant I cum unable to hold back then released his head where he draws back coughing profusely.

"Nick *cough* couldn't you wait *cough*" he said 

I looked at him feeling bad, "I'm sorry" I shouldn't have done that.

He looked at me, "next time let me do off my own. When I'm comfortable with your size then you can take control" he tells me 

"Yes" I looked at him but I don't think I'll ever take control again 

I gently touched his torn lip, I stooped down and kissed it apologetically.

"It's not a boo boo no need to kiss it" he said to me

"Hmph" I kissed his lips gently. "I'm genuinely sorry Aaron" 

"Well if your sorry make me breakfast in bed tomorrow baby me all day" 

"All day? I can do it all year" 

It wasn't long after we went to bed embracing Michael has yet to come well as long as he doesn't disturb us, I don't need to dwell on it.


I got up early in the morning, to make Aaron the promised breakfast in bed. 

I brushed my teeth washed my face then went downstairs to the kitchen, and began my morning preparation. 

During my cooking someone unexpected walked in, Michael's current boyfriend. I'm still not clear on his name. 

"Good morning Mr. Preminger" 

"Good morning ….. ?" I inquired 


"...... Corey" I said slowly 

He sat around the counter and started to watch me, it felt weird. He just stood there staring looked at him strangely. 

"Is there something you need to say?" I inquired 

"...... you looked generally unconcerned as to whether I told your son about you having sex with ex or not" he said casually, too casually it just rolled off his tongue.

Crazy how someone can say something like that without twitching once. "I'm guessing you haven't told him"

"It doesn't concerns me what you and Aaron do in or out of the sheets" 

He knows Aaron's name I thought he just knows Aaron as an ex or something. "Your comment makes it sounds as though you hold no feelings towards my son's feelings or even care how he feels finding out this the hard way" I said 

"I mean no offenses by this Mr. Preminger but you have no right to judge me when you are literally in bed with someone who is not only younger than him but whom he was formerly in a relationship with." He said flatly 

"........ do you at least care about him?" I asked 

I had to asked this kid worries me, I'm worried about Michael. 

"I wouldn't sleep with him if I didn't at least feel something for him" 


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