Chapter 3

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Sergei Rachmaninoff: 14 Romances, Op. 34: No. 14, Vocalise

The kitchen has never smelt so good. Sure all the avengers knew how to cook and few knew how to bake. But no one has ever managed to make it smell like their childhood if that was even possible. The closest probably ever being Wanda. However there you were taking out a second batch of scones for the avengers to enjoy for breakfast.

Everything was set. All they needed to do was come in and enjoy themselves. "Well if this isn't a feast. Wouldn't you say so, brother?" Thor slaps his brother's back drooling over the table that was overflowing with food. "Looks like enough to feed an army and more, brother," Loki says back, intrigued by the food more so than salivating like Thor. 

The big oaf didn't wait for the others before diving in, indulging in the food. It put a smile on your face to see how much he enjoyed it. "String bean is right. When did you even have time to put this together?" Tony says coming into the kitchen, followed by most of the others.

"Early this morning. I don't require much sleep, nor food actually thanks to my powers. Hydra has fun figuring those two things out." You said the latter quieter than the first. Hydra wanted to see how long you could survive without sleep. Sending on a mission after mission with a break until you could barely lift yourself up. Next came surviving without food. It was supposed to be as a form of punishment for the grim reaper after rebelling against higher-ups. You were able to go an ungodly amount of time before your body began begging for nutrients.

You shook your head as if you were trying to shake out the memory of it. But it was ingrained into your mind, all of them were. Every moment where you thought you were going to die or wanted to. "You didn't have to do this." You wave your hand in dismissal at Tony. "Think of this as my way of saying thank you for giving me a second chance. As well as apologizing for the grim reaper's actions." You tell them, brushing off the invisible dirt on your clothes.

"Well, it looks amazing." Tony sits down joining the rest. The whole table was filled with food and even more took up the counter space. "And tastes remarkable," Thor says with his mouth full and plate stacked high with sweets and protein. It put a smile on your face how much Thor and the others enjoyed the food. It felt like home. Something you haven't felt since before you were taken.

"Aren't you going to join us?" Wanda asks, sitting beside Vision. She was grateful that there were vegan and vegetarian options that smelled as delicious as the rest of the food. "I'll eat once everyone is done. I still have to get the muffins out of the oven."

"Nonsense. By then all the food will be eaten up." You didn't believe Steve at first. Thinking he was just being a gentleman. That was until you saw the enhance and gods practically engulfed the food. Same with those who were regular humans. You would think that they have been starved.

"It's probably poisoned," Natasha muttered under her breath. She has been the least welcoming out of everyone and you couldn't blame her either. But that comment felt out of proportion. So you went to sit down and join the avengers for breakfast.

The only spot left was between Wanda and Loki. Not that you minded either of them, however, it was right in front of Bucky. He has barely looked your way since yesterday and neither have you his. Things have been tense because of the fact that you know all about him and he couldn't even remember your name.

"So Y/N? Where have you been since escaping Hydra?" Loki questions. You feel him still in your mind. A green cool spiral that if it had a smell it would be peppermint. Wanda has given up, letting you share your story at your own time. "For a few years. Charles Xavier let me stay at the school and help the students with their powers." You explain to them that when you copy someone's power you have control over the power. The only explanation that professor Xavier had was because of your low latent inhibition. You were a great help teaching the young mutants how to control their powers.

No Time to Die - Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now