Chapter 18

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It wasn't often that you got nightmares. Especially these particular ones. The smell of blood, prominent and chill of the night air ran through your bones. You heard your scream sound through the long narrow hallway. Screaming, not because of pain but of losing Bucky.

You've lost him so many times already it feels inevitable that you won't lose him again.

You were snapped back to reality when you felt the cold chill of the earlier morning air wrap around you.  Opening your eyes you realize it's been hours of the two of you wrapped around each other. Most importantly you find Bucky with the sheets tangled around him. You sigh realizing that he's snagged all the sheets. Again.

Even in the heated room, Bucky took all the covers, wrapping himself, and you along in a cocoon of warmth. In the cold rooms of Hydra, he would draw you into his side, tucking you right under his chin, draping his arm over you.

Exactly where you were supposed to be.

You watch him as he sleeps, every rise and fall of his breath. You had to be sure that he is here with you and that isn't some figment of your imagination.

His deep voice, all sleepy and disoriented pulls you out of your fixation. "C'mere Rose. What's wrong?" You were pulled into his embrace. "Don't leave me again. I can't have you leave me." You didn't want to cry but you couldn't stop. Every time you believed you and Bucky would have a future together it's been taken away from you. Every time you saw him go into cryo, you couldn't breathe until they brought him out. Every time he left for a mission you didn't sleep. You needed him to live.

Bucky felt like an asshole. This whole time while he has been with Natasha, you've been alone. The whole time while Steve was looking for him or while he was in Wakanda you were alone. He tightens his arms around you, kissing the top of your head.  "I know it took us a while to get here but I'm not leaving. You hear me. You are stuck with me no matter what." And you were okay with that. But still, doubt was seeded deep within you. Your track record hasn't been the best, so it was only a matter of time. Bucky may not be the best at dealing with his own emotions but he knew yours.

Touch was your love language. Just as much as it was his. Each stroke of his hand down your body and each kiss would send a tingle to your heart. "Your mine."

"Possessive much." You mused jokingly. You knew exactly what Bucky was capable of if anyone would lay a hand on you. The sound that came out of his throat could only be described as a growl. So animalistic, primal. Telling you that you're his and only his. And you know it. "You love that I am. Don't fucking tease about that." One moment you were on your side and the next Bucky had you on your back. "You. Are. Mine." He bares his teeth millimetres away from your face. His hand is putting pressure on your throat. Enough to feel how dangerous he is meant to be.

But as much as you love submitting to that dark side of him. You equally love teasing him. Seeing just how far you can push him to show his true identity. To show him he doesn't need to hide the darkest parts of him from you. "I know what you are doing little rose. But I'll play. You are mine. You are it for me. You made me want to live. Not survive, not just exist, but live. So I'm not going to let anyone or anything take you away from me. Is that clear?"

"Yes sir." You say breathlessly as his flesh arm still keeps your neck captive but his strength. You feel his cool hand run down the length of your body, stopping at your thighs. You smirk, as his hand stops right at your inner thigh. He lets go of your throat so that his other hand can feel the raised skin. You knew that he must have forgotten the little detail before last night.

Sitting back on his haunches, Bucky spreads open your legs. Just to see his initials engraved into your skin. It has been years but the JBB remains prominent just as it did when he cut them into your skin. Lowering himself, Bucky bites the skin beside it, hard. Hard enough to draw some blood. You moaned when he lapped up the blood. Seeing his lips covered in your blood could have brought you to your climax.

No Time to Die - Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now