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Over the next year I practiced with walking on air, chakra strings, and chakra shapes.

With the walking on air, I eventually managed to do it and maintain it evenly without falling. Though it took longer than I had originally thought. It took more around three months than 3 weeks, but the training on chakra shapes definitely helped with reaching this goal.

I practiced the chakra strings every day, my practice with chakra shapes definatly helped my achieving of making the strings small. They were so small, in fact, I believe you would need a microscope to see them.

Much like the chakra strings, I practiced the shapes every day, getting better and better at making and using them. They were strong enough that a bomb probably couldn't break them, though that is speculation as it has not been tested.

Unfortunately though, a few weeks ago, Kaa-san became very ill, so I have to help around the farm a lot more.

Tou-san isn't too much better as he's stressed out and is a terrible cook, so I do the cooking now as well. I haven't been to the market in those few weeks either so we're running low on some cooking supplies.

I'm not very close with Tou-san or Kaa-san, I don't want to be. In this world of shinobi, people can die very fast. I don't want to get close to someone and have no idea if they'll die soon or not. Though, somehow, I have the feeling I have become attached to Tou-san and Kaa-san. What could I expect though, really? They're the only people I am ever around. And humans are naturally social animals, introverted or not so it only makes sense.

I can tell she's dying, slowly from this disease. We don't have the money to take her to the hospital, otherwise we'd have her treated. If one of us were a shinobi we could have her treated for free, but we're not.

Tou-san is exhausting himself and practically killing himself trying to get enough money for the hospital. Getting up early and going to sleep late. Going into the village twice a week instead of once.

Today, I got up with Tou-san to go into Konoha so I can get some cooking ingredients. Also to get into the library and borrow some scrolls, but he doesn't know that.

At 8 we begin the treck to Konoha. Tou-san is walking faster than the casual pace we used to walk. I can barely keep up with him, but I manage thanks to the special training on my muscles. It's actually kinda easy, I'm just lazy.

Currently, my chakra reserves are that of a high level genin, nearly chunin already. After reaching genin, my levels to progress at nearly double the speed they had been before. I think it's either from my age or from working them for so long, but whatever the reason, I'm excited to complete my first ninjutsu.

Currently though, I am condensing my chakra down to normal children civilian levels as to not draw suspicion.

After walking through the gates, Tou-san gave the orders to meet back here at 19:00 which gave me plenty of time to wander and sight see.

After wandering through the crowds for so long I made it to the first sight, the famous MIA stone from the first few episodes of Naruto.

It's crazy to think in six years, the formation of the strongest team in existence will form here. The team that will lead us through war and lead Konoha into it's greatest heights. And all of that practically starts right here.

I smirk at myself before shaking my head. I swiftly turn and head away upon feeling a chakra signature approaching. I'm sure whoever it is is a ninja, and I'm positive they know I'm here. If the slight fluctuation of their chakra after getting a certain distance from me indicates anything.

I walk away at a casual pace. Walking towards my next destinstion, which happens to be the hokage monument.

Walking through the crowds, I got a few looks of pity. Why? Well because I'm quite dirty and probably look homeless. Though I currently am holding all of the money my family has made in my pocket. (Don't tell anyone I said that)

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