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Over the last two years of the academy, I began to push myself harder. Not in working on the farm, that stayed relatively the same, but on training to be a ninja.

A lot of things were probably easier than they should be, given I can sense chakra and have complete mastery over chakra control.

My iryō ninjutsu has reached heights unimaginable. If I want to, I can heal a lost arm. I trained extra hard in this since Kaa-san...

My ninjutsu, I have quite the set of skills, though it doesn't compare to my progress in iryō ninjutsu, nothing else really does. I've gained quite a few jutsu to my arsenal, predominantly water style.

I'm hoping I can eventually copy Tobirama's technique of being able to pull water from the air. I'm not sure it'd be entirely too difficult considering my perfect chakra control, and the fact I've already been doing things with the air in the form of air walking.

Zabuza's killer mist jutsu would help as well, it would go well with my taijutsu style.

Speaking of taijutsu, over countless months of research in the academy library and development, I have completed my own style. It's a style that plays in favor of my chakra control and small stature.

It consists of using my opponents tenketsu points, much like the Hyuga's gental fist. The difference comes in what I'm using it for.

While the gentle fist works on closing chakra points, my style works on opening them. You see, it pulls chakra from my opponents body so that I can use said chakra.

While a lot of people seem to have practically unlimited chakra, I don't. Recently, my chakra reserve progression has slowed. I don't think my body is capable of going much further with chakra, it's impressive I've gotten as far as I have.

Currently, my chakra reserves are that of a normal jonin. And that's really impressive considering my body is that of a civilian. I don't think my chakra reserves will expand much further from where they're at, which is why my taijutsu works the way it does.

Of course, I still play off of my opponents abilities as well. If their big, I'll use their pressure points to get them to drop, and from there I go for the throat.

My genjutsu. If we're talking about something I'm not proficient in, it's this. My genjutsu skills haven't leveled up above the academy level. With my chakra control, I'd be great at it. Though, I don't much care for using it.

And if we're talking about something I've made quite the bit of progress in, it's fuinjutsu. Like my iryō ninjutsu, I also practiced this most out of the rest. I wouldn't call myself a seal Master, but I'm definitely up there in terms of skill.

Now lastly, shurikenjutsu. The art of throwing kunai, shuriken, senbon, and anything of the like. I can aim with pinpoint accuracy. My go to are senbon or kunai.

In terms of the academy. I have kept all of my grade perfectly average. They never dropped or rose. I kept them in the middle. And I most certainly haven't drawn attention to myself.

I've done good in avoiding the main cast for being in the same class as them, minus Shikamaru and Choji. Who both somehow consider me a friend.

Now, Tou-san. Lately he's been moving around more than just sitting on the couch or going to the bathroom. I'm glad for that, but he hasn't been doing anything other than occasionally gazing out of the window.

I could seriously use some help with the farm! I've been keeping up with everything and keeping us afloat for two and a half years! I need a break!

Seriously, if it weren't for this world's more durable bodies, I would have certainly died from exhaustion by now.

Anyways, speaking of the academy. We've already had the exams. I passed, of course, I'm not willing to stay here for another year.

Today are the team assignments. I honestly have no idea what team I'll be on, but I'll probably be paired with two randoms.

Iruka-sensei began calling team names. Thankfully it's a Thursday, meaning I'm clean today.

I have cut my hair. It was with a kunai I 'borrowed' from the academy. I've been saving up for a while to buy some proper ninja attire and weapons. I finally bought some yesterday.

It's just the normal ninja attire. Black shirt with sleeves to the middle forearm. A gray vest protecting my body, gloves with guards on the top of the hand, black pants and shoes. And of course, the ninja pouch resting on my right outer thigh and hitai-ate around my neck.

In my ninja pouch, I hold kunai and senbon as well as some paper tags, some to stun and others to explode and of course some blank ones just in case. Below it I have storage scrolls strapped to my legs, made by myself obviously.

And of course, as always, for the sake of my saftey, I am making sure to keep my chakra condensed so no one can sense my higher-than-normal-children's chakra reserves.

Anyways, with the team assignments. Everyone got assigned to their normal teams, everything was going to plan, until he got to team 7.

"Team 7, Naruto Uzumaki," Naruto perked up at his name, eager to find out who he's teamed with, "Sakura Haruno," Naruto jumped into the air, celebrating while Sakura's head hung low as if she were doomed, "Sasuke Uchiha," their moods did a 180, as if they switched positions, "and Kai Nakano," they mostly ignored it, but were obviously confused on who I was.


WAIT! I'm on team 7!? I specifically kept all of my grades average so this wouldn't happen!? What? Please tell me this is a mix up! It has to be! Why are their four people on this team!?

While I was panicking internally, I kept a cool appearance on my face.

"What!? Iruka-sensei, why does an awesome shinobi like me have to be paired with a slob like Sasuke!?" Naruto exclaimed, Sasuke clicked his tongue while Sakura was getting ready to beat him up, but also raised a question.

"Also, who's Kai and why do we have four on our team?" She asked.

"Well... Naruto, teams are assigned based on either cooperation between teammates or skill level, sometimes both. To keep your team balanced we paired you, with the worst grades in class, with Sasuke, with the highest grades in class." Iruka-sensei explained. Naruto grumbled to himself and crossed his arms, ploping back into his seat.

"And Sakura... Kai is over there," he pointed towards my seat beside Choji, "and he was placed on your team because there is an odd number of genin this year, and his grades were all perfectly average so it would keep the team balanced. On top of that, he doesn't seem to get along with many of his classmates so there was no where to fit him based on cooperation." Iruka-sensei answered Sakura.

WHAT!? So your saying my attempts to stay away from the main cast inevitably lead to me being in the main team!? What kind of bullshit-

Sakura had turned to look towards me, my untamed locks covering my face from complete view. She obviously didn't know who I was and was a bit uncomfortable. Sasuke was too bust brooding to care, while Naruto was trying to remember why my name is familiar. What? His face is very easy to read.

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