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As planned, Zabuza caught the first one, not expecting the other in it's shadow, but jumped over it anyways.

"Hah, nice try," he mocked. Just then, Naruto transformed back into himself and threw a kunai at Zabuza's arm. He had no choice but to release the prison and jump away.

Now, Zabuza is annoyed. With the windmill shuriken, he was going to throw it at the completely open Naruto.

The suriken was stopped before it could be launched, by Kakashi himself. And now Kakashi is pissed, and is no longer underestimating his opponent.

Naruto, on the other hand, fell straight into the water.

"Your technique won't work on me again." Kakashi stated. Zabuza began adding pressure onto the shuriken, even folding it to make it stronger. After struggling for a moment, Kakashi was able to knock the shuriken away, never to be seen again.

What a waste of money. I bet that thing cost a lot too.

Zabuza them jumped away, beginning a long string of hand signs, Kakashi did the same after realizing the jutsu

Let the mind games begin

Oh, look, Kakashi's hair is already standing back up.

Kakashi's hand signs are slightly behind Zabuza's, but close enough to seem like their doing them at the same time.

"Tori!" They shouted at the same time.

"Water style: water dragon jutsu!" They shouted again.

Their water dragons rose from the water they're standing on, seeming as if they are dancing around each other. Before they finally crashed together, creating waves from the water.

I tensed, but was ultimately okay, knowing the water isn't going to go past my waist. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding when the water passed.

There was the clink of blades, kunai against sword. They were fighting for power as they struggled against each other.

Kakashi, using his sharingan, copied all of Zabuza's moves in perfect tadem. Only accomplished through years of perfecting the technique.

Kakashi really began his mind games, moving carefully as to not mess up a single move that Zabuza was making.

They began a jutsu... which one was next again? Meh, I'll figure it out.

They started stringing together hand signs. Once Kakashi knew for sure what jutsu they were performing, he place a small genjutsu on Zabuza, so he'd see himself, ultimately causing him to hesitate. Kakashi finished first.

"Water style: giant vortex jutsu!" Kakashi shouted.

I froze, shit shit shit.

My body froze at the giant waves coming towards us. How could I forget!? I so wanted to move, but I was stuck. Frozen in fear.

The waves from the jutsu, while small, were strong. And for someone with a stupidly small body, like me, it's incredibly easy to sweep them off of their feet.

In the moment, I forgot all of my training. The fear of drowning consumed me.

Let's just say, my family in my last life were monsters.

While the others managed to stay up right, and Naruto even managed to grab a branch, I was swept into the vortex.

"Kai!" I herd a muffled Sakura cry out as I got further away.

Unable to swim, I began to freak out. The vortex swept me away, pushing and pulling me everywhere at once.

My heart rate picked up dramatically. Tears welling in my eyes, only to be whiped from them by the water.

Reborn (Naruto x Male!OC)Where stories live. Discover now