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Kakashi didn't like that introduction, it implied that someone was after Tazuna. I could tell from the slight furrow of his eyebrow after Tazuna had said that.

"Alright then, go to your houses and meet back at the gate in twenty. Kai stay here for a moment." Kakashi instructed.

We all walked away from the hokage's office, but Kakashi and I stopped a few feet from it to talk.

"Your house is on the way there, so just go pack and then wait on the path to meet up with us," Kakashi explained.

"Okay, thanks Kakashi-sensei," I stated. He eye smiled towards me and ruffled my messy hair.


I went home to pack my stuff. I didn't actually have much to pack. I took the clothes on my back, the only ninja gear I own, I packed some medical supplies I managed to accumulate over the years in a scroll. It was a bunch of bandages, medical tape, a bunch of herbs I picked for a variety of different things, and some vials and other things for making salves and stuff on the spot. Just in case.

In another scroll, I packed a variety of foods and seeds that do well with a lot of water from the farm. Mainly planning on giving them out to the people who need it rather than eating it myself.

In my third and final scroll, I packed extra clothes and the rest of my ninja equipment that doesn't fit in my ninja pouch. As well as a whetstone for sharpening said equipment. I also have my set of ink and paper for fuinjutsu.

I attach the three scrolls to my left thigh and head out to go wait on the path.

Before leaving I give a glimpse at Tou-san. He's sitting there. I think he's become more aware in the past few days.

"Tou-san, I'm going on a mission. I'll be gone for a while," I look to the ground, biting my lip to keep myself from tearing up, "see you later."


I waited on the path for about half an hour before seeing them all strolling my way. I waited for them to get over here before following behind them, staying closer to Kakashi rather than the others.

They were talking about pretty useless stuff. About ninjas in the land of waves or something, I didn't really listen.

I did, however, notice the puddle of water on the road a few feet ahead.

Anyone with half a brain could figure it out, there hasn't been any rain for two weeks. I'd know, I have to keep track of that kinda stuff.

I give a glance to Kakashi, he noticed me and smiled back with a slight nod of his head.

Judging from the area of chakra emitting from the puddle, which we haven't stepped in yet, they haven't sensed us yet.

I completely conceal chakra, becoming invisible. This startled Kakashi, but he kept a cool facade on his face. I then took to the trees silently, no one noticed me missing, except Kakashi, of course.

I followed along through the trees. When they got past the puddle, the two demon brothers jumped out. Shreading 'Kakashi' into bits.

In reality he had substituted with a log, at the same time I gave the smallest flick of my chakra for him to find, and he appeared beside me to watch the fight.

Sasuke immediately went into fighting, Sakura went into a protective stance in front of Tazuna a little after. Naruto froze up, probably not prepared about losing a comrade so soon. Maybe even wondering where I had gone.

Kakashi and I waited, watching. Kakashi wanted to see who their target was, I was waiting for my team captain to give the order.

Sasuke had thrown a shuriken into one of the holes in their chain, throwing a kunai through the shuriken to make sure it wouldn't move.

The demon brothers simply unattached the chain, splitting into two to attack the two groups.

One after Naruto on the right, the other after Sakura and Tazuna. Sasuke put Tazuna and Sakura first, jumping infront of them to fend off the demon brother.

The one infront of Naruto was about to attack him, Kakashi gave me a hand sign, which I didn't actually know what it ment, but I followed anyways.

It's probably something from anbu, and he got caught up in the moment, seeing me as an anbu member under his command.

Unlike in the anime, the two brothers were far enough to keep Kakashi from grabbing both at the same time.

And so, at the same time, we appeared behind the brothers. I restrained the one after Naruto, using his body weight against him, I flipped him to the ground, quickly grabbing a kunai and holding it to his throat in a instant, sitting on his back while pulling his head up by the hair.

My signature hair, covering my eyes. Now that I think about it, I don't think anyone other than my parents have seen my eyes.

The three kids plus Tazuna stood in shock at what had happened, still processing.

"Yo!" Kakashi held up a hand, the one not occupied with holding a demon brother in a choke hold.

I rolled my eyes. Nice going Kakashi, traumatizing children only to give them a 'yo'.

I quickly hit a pressure point in this brothers neck, making him pass out. But to others, they simply saw the body go limp.

"Bastard! What'd you do to Meizu!?" Gōzu exclaimed.

"I only knocked him out, but I'll do worse if you don't cooperate," I threatened, holding the kunai back to Meizu's neck.

"Bastard," he muttered but I can see the worry in his eyes as he searched mine, looking for a bluff that isn't there. I'm not lying, I don't necessarily want to, but I will.

Kakashi sweatdroped at me, Sasuke looked vaguely interested but quickly crossed his arms and turned away. Sakura looked scared at me, wondering how I could even say something like that. Naruto looked shocked still... wait. Shit. He still got scratched.

I released a sigh before standing.

"Wha- Kakashi-sensei! How'd you- what?" Naruto asked, confused.

"Sorry for worrying you all, I wanted to see if these brothers were really just waiting for anyone or were after someone specifically," Kakashi narrowed his eyes at Tazuna, who began sweating.

Naruto looked as if he were going to freak out.

"Pft, you weren't hurt, were you? Scaredy-," I cut him off, smacking him upside the head. He glared at me, like a hurt kitten. I simply rolled my eyes, not that he could see it.

"Sasuke!-," Naruto began.

"Naruto." I interupted harshly.

"Don't move. There was poison in their claws. Moving will make it spread faster. We have to remove it, quickly." I stated as I allowed Kakashi to pick up Meizu and tie them to a tree.

"We need to talk, Tazuna. These are chunin from the village hidden in the mist. Their tactic relies on relentless attack." Kakashi explained.

"Huh? What are you getting at?" Tazuna asked, his heart rate just picked up dramatically.

"This, when you put in a request, you asked for standard protection from bandits and highway men. You didn't say that there were ninja after you." Kakashi answered.

"If we had known this," Kakashi continued, "it would have been a B-rank mission or higher. Our mission was to get you to your destination and protect you while you build your bridge. We would have staffed differently and charged for a B mission. Now you have your reasons, but lying to us is unexceptable," he finished.

"I think we should go back. I mean, we're genin, this is way above our level of training. Besides, I really think we should be trying to get Naruto's wounds disinfected as soon as possible," Sakura suggested.

Speak for yourself, I think Sasuke and I did great against those chunin.

"Hm? Naruto's hand could become a problem, I guess we should go back to the village." Kakashi stated. He's still testing us?

Naruto didn't look too happy at that statement, he raised a kunai up into the air. And proceeded to stab his injured hand, while turning away from us.

Kakashi... and everyone else was shocked at this.

Seriously, who let this kid own a kunai?

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