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Iruka continued to call out teams, which I tuned out since I already know the important groupings.

Now that I think about it, all of the heirs for each clan are in this room, right? Did the clan heads plan to get pregnant around the same time or something? It's a conspiracy.

Anyways, since the teams have already been decided, there's no use in trying to fight it. So I've already done the reasonable, accept it.

There was never any running away from death ever since I joined the academy. This life certainly hasn't been easy, and it certainly won't get any easier either. The only thing I can do is continue on with what I've been doing.

I sighed, placing my chin onto my palm.

Ah, we have Kakashi as a sensei, and there's no telling when he'll get here either. Damn, I could be spending this time to work on the farm.

Kakashi, I hope you know I officially curse you.

Eh, guess I'll use this time to sleep.


Somewhere else

"Achoo!" Kakashi sneezed.

"Bless you," the hokage said.

"Ah, thanks... I feel like I've wronged someone," Kakashi admitted.

"Ah, we're shinobi, of course you feel that way," Hiruzen stated as they continued continued walk along a path through the woods.

They had already visited Kakashi's other potential students houses and were now on the last one.

"Why are we going so far out of Konoha again?" Kakashi asked lazily. They had shunshin'd quite far away before beginning their walk, and were just now comming upon a clearing.

"Ah, well your last student is quite poor, and comes from a small family of farmers. So they live quite far away." The hokage explained patiently.

"Ah... will he be suited for shinobi work?" Kakashi asked.

"Well, I remember when I had first found him. He wanted to go into the academy to... oh my," the hokage stopped, stairing at something in the distance.

Kakashi turned his head too, and his face dimmed. Off the path a ways, too far for normal eyes to notice, but not enough for them, was what looked to be a crudly made gravestone.

On the stone was engraved, "Toru Nakano, loving mother and wife."

"What were you saying Hokage-sama?" Kakashi asked, attempting to change the subject and avoid the problem.

"Kai wished to join the academy, because he knew they were poor. His mother was sick and needed to be treated but they didn't even have the money to take her to the hospital to be diagnosed. He knew by becoming a shinobi his family would have free healthcare. But it looks like illness took her before he got the chance." Hiruzen explained.

Kakashi's eyes darkened, thinking about what the boy had to have gone through. All of them, actually. All except the fan girl, they've had a tough life so far.

Only a moment later, they began walking again. Towards the farm and Kai's house. As they walked towards the house they looked around at the farm. Everything looked very well taken care of.

It gave both Hiruzen and Kakashi hope that the family had been doing well since the death of the mother.

They got to the door and knocked... no response. They both adorned a confused but now serious look, though a normal civilian wouldn't notice.

Hiruzen knocked again, still no answer. They shared a look before just heading in. The house inside was clean... but empty. It was well taken care of, not a spec of dust anywhere, but also no photos, nothing to claim this house as a home.

It was completely silent until they heard shuffling of feet. They put themselves on high alert before moving in to assess the situation.

It didn't take long, only a few steps, to see it was Kai's father. He was moving to the kitchen, a blank look in his eyes, to re-fill his cup of water.

"Excuse me, Mr. Nakano," Hiruzen called out. There was no response. The man didn't even flinch.

Both of the shinobi knew what that look was. Grief, sorrow, anger, it was all of those emotions of losing a loved one mixed into one.

It was as if Mr. Nakano were in a genjutsu, but both the shinobi knew it wasn't true.

But one question remained in their mind. If Mr. Nakano was in this trance like state, who was taking care of the farm? Surely not some 12 year old kid, but that truely is the only explanation.


Back with Kai

We had been waiting for three hours for Kakashi to show up. Yes, I have slept some, but my body is so used to so little sleep and working at this time I could only get an hour.

Surprisingly, we've all been silent since we were assigned as a team. By we, I mean I'm kind of surprised Sakura and Naruto haven't said anything at all yet.

Though, now that I think about it, Sakura could just be silent right now and not trying to speak to Sasuke because of my presence. But I'll never know.

Oh yeah, it's about time for-

"Naruto! What are you doing!?" Sakura screamed, though you can see in her eyes she is enjoying this too.

Naruto's prank. I sweatdrop, but ultimately decided to ignore them for the sake of my sanity.

"What!? It's what he gets for being so late! Everyone else's sensei's have already picked them up! Even Iruka-sensei is gone!" Naruto complained loudly, too loud to ignore unfortunately.

"What makes you think our sensei, a skilled jonin, would fall for a simple trick like that?" Sasuke spoke up.

"Yeah! What Sasuke said! Why would he fall for something like that!?" Sakura agreed. Naruto was now backed into a corner.

Sigh, I guess I'll help you this once, but only because you helped get me through my childhood.

"He'll fall for it," I chided. Sasuke's gaze immediately flicked towards me, glaring for daring to go against him.

"Oh yeah!? And why's that?" Sakura asked, like a stuck up bitch. Sasuke also wanted to hear the reason, I can tell, same with Naruto. And so I've now attracted all of the attention.

Incase your wondering, Kakashi-sensei has been listening to us for over an hour now. I've just been waiting for him to show himself.

In fact, he was about to open the door when I spoke up. Ugh, why do I do this to myself.

"To make you lower your gaurd towards him." Is the only reason I offered them. It was silent for a moment, Kakashi probably wondering what he should do next now that they've been warned.

In the end, he must of decided to open the door anyways, because the next thing I knew, Kakashi was standing in the door, chalk on his head.

"Sensei!" Sakura screeched, "I told him not to do it! But Naruto just-,"

"Maa," he cut Sakura off, "my first thought of you all? I hate you!" He eye smiled.

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