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After the sticks were divided among the children, the fun began. Thankfully, I was in the last third of the class so all I had to do was stand around awkwardly while others spoke to each other.

My goal at the end of the academy is to have the most average grades of them all. This way I won't draw attention to myself, good or bad. It's also the best way not to get involved with the main cast.

I want grades perfectly average throughout my entire time here. My pretty average looks helps with not sticking out as well. The only thing that could be recognized would be my deep sapphire blue eyes.

Some people would show off their skills, make sure everyone knows about them being the best, but not me. First off, being considered a prodigy seems very boring and annoying. Second off, I'm not a prodigy. The only reason I'm able to do what I can do now is because I've been conscious since I was born.

In other words, I'm not a prodigy. Simple as that. Plus, I don't want the attention on me in a world like this. Especially with people like Danzo snooping around.

"Hey! My names Naruto Uzumaki, what's yours? Dattebayo!"

Ah, the sunshine has come bounding up to me without my knowledge, successfully knocking me out of my thoughts.

"Kai Nakano," I stated with an indifferent face. I'm really trying to act right now! I can't have this kid following me around like a lost puppy too! Sorry Naruto, but I really can't show you the kindness I wish I could!

"Ah, bummer... hey! Could you tell me who this is?" He whispered, quite loudly, to me while showing me his stick.

Ah, what a small world. He got Shikamaru.

I nodded, "he's over there," I pointed over to the pineapple headed child, who currently has his head lying on the desk again.

"Kai Nakano?" A stoic sounding voice (as stoic as a six year old can be I guess) sounded from behind me.

I spun around to be face to.... glasses with Shino.

I've always liked Shino, and honestly he should've have more screen time. Plus, he's quiet.

I nodded to his question.

"I'm Shino Aburame," he introduced.

A few seconds later, silently without a word, Sasuke joined us. I guess he drawed Shino then.

None of us bothered with speaking to each other, not that they need to tell me anything. I know everything about them so why bother? Well... I guess it would be creepy if they knew that.

After everyone had found their partners, Iruka gathered all of the childrens attention.

"Alright, now that we're all partnered up, it's time for the next step. You and your partners will introduce each other to the class." Iruka-sensei instructed.

I sweatdropped and sighed at that. Now my luck of having two rather silent partners has been poured down the drain.

"I'll do Kai," Shino suggested hurriedly.

"Okay... I guess that means I'll introduce Sasuke and Sasuke will introduce Shino," I stated. I got a nod from both of them. Well... at least mini Sasuke can participate.


After giving us a while to speak to each other, Iruka-sensei decided it was time to begin introducing each other.

The first group went up... some people who aren't important in the show plus Hinata. Of course, Hinata was a stuttering mess the entire time she was introducing her partner.

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