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I woke up at 6 today, nothing new, we always get up early so we can tend to the farm. Except, today I'll be heading to the ninja academy, without my parents knowledge, of course.

"Tou-san," I called at breakfast.

"Hm?" He responded. The bags under his eyes has grown since Kaa-san got sick. I made her a portion to eat later, when she wakes up.

"I'm... gonna go on a walk through the woods today," I stated, avoiding eye contact.

He was silent for a moment before sighing, putting his spoon down in his soup.

"Okay, you need a break. I know this past month has been stressful. I don't want you to have to worry too much. You deserve the break." He smiled tiredly at me. I felt myself tear up, but quickly wiped the tears away. Damn these child emotions.

"Okay... I packed my lunch. I'll probably be out until 17:00. Don't worry about the fruits and berries. I'll get them when I come back." I smiled at him. He didn't say anything, only attempted to smile back.

I quickly grabbed my pre-packed lunch and walked out of the house. When I got out of sight from the house I began sprinting towards Konoha.

On the way I decided to try tree hoping. I know it's a mix between jumping and the tree climbing exercise.

Honestly, it was quite simple. It's the same tree walking exercise but using your chakra to attach to the branch and then push off the very same branch, launching you to the next.

I wonder if I could do the same or something similar with air walking... I'll have to test it later.


I made it to the academy with 3 minutes to spare. I'm sweating and panting as I walk (stumble) to my classroom.

It sure is a run all the way here. At least I'll be able to up my stanima. Technically, my muscles can handle that run, more actually. It's my brain that's over reacting since I haven't physically exercised a day in my life.

It certainly doesn't help that it's Monday. Meaning I'm caked in a week's worth of dirt and grime from harvesting and training. It's unpleasant, that's for sure, but unfortunately you get used to it after 6 years.

After catching my breath, which didn't take long since it was just my mind, I opened the door to my classroom (I got my classroom number from the front desk area).


Kami... why do you hate me?

I only so happened to be in the same class as the entire main cast. Someone kill me now.

I sucked up my internal crying and entered the room. Shikamaru and Choji were sitting beside each other, Shikamaru's head lying on the table.

"Hey! ... friend! Over here!" Choji waved his hand... I've only now realized we've never exchanged names. And of course, at Choji's yelling (more like loud talking) Shikamaru raised his head and met my gaze.

"Oh, hey. I thought you were lying or in a different class when I didn't see you around." He stated lazily as I reluctantly made my way to the empty seat beside Choji.

"No... unfortunately I wasn't" I sighed out.

Soon, Iruka came through the door, introducing himself and what we would be doing today. I sighed to myself... today's going to be a long day.


Throughout the day, we didn't do much. We were given assignments to basically introduce ourselves to everyone, considering we'll be classmates for the foreseeable future I think it was a perfect course of action.

During lunch... nothing much happened either. To me anyways. I did note that Sasuke was already brooding, which means the Uchiha massacre has already taken place.

There's not much I could've done there anyways. I don't see the point in trying to change anything, after all it all worked itself out in the end. Besides, all of this stuff happening early on is what allows them to grow... I do like Itachi though... no, it's more trouble than it's worth anyways. Keep your head on straight Kai!

Anyways, the reason I bring up Sasuke... he already has fangirls -_- ... seriously, they're too young to be thinking things like that. Geez, they all give kunoichi a bad name.

Sakura's the worst... she squeals the loudest. Gah, I'm not sure my ear drums can stand 5 years of this.

Speaking of her, let me say I hate her... currently. Sure, she mellows out some in shippuden, and in Boruto she's fine, but right now? She's an absolute bitch and I hate her.

She does get incredibly strong, I'll give her that... but in Naruto? She is completely useless. Well... she does learn iryō ninjutsu, but in the beginning she really is completely useless.

And Ino... I definitely like her better than Sakura, but she definitely wasted her talents. She was gifted with a great clan jutsu, but she opted to follow Sakura and become a medical ninja instead. I mean, it's still a noble profession but still, her skills were practically wasted that way.

Well... whatever. In the end they did what they want. I'm not going to attempt to change that. The reason? Well because it's really not my place to tell them what they can and can't do. And I'm certainly not a guidance counselor or teacher. They can figure it out on their own, also like I said, it works out in the end anyways. All I have to do is sit back and observe.

Anyway's, lunch. Currently I am sitting in a tree, with my bento. I don't really want want be approached by anyone, especially the main cast so of course I opted to hide until lunch is over.

Ah, my chakra and stuff. It's really annoying, of course. I've trained it to continually spin itself to enlarge my reserves, but now I have to train it to stop doing that. I've been spinning it since I was born basically, so of course it's going to annoy me to condense it and keep it from spinning.

Hm, it would be great to learn shunshin. Even better for the flying raijin. It'd keep me from having to run all the way here and back. Though, I have a feeling that's a ways away from where I am now.

Speaking of chakra reserves... Naruto's. It's large. Larger than you'd expect honestly. Not to mention the undertone of the kyuubi inside of him as well. It makes him feel very fierce to me. Since I can actually sense it. It's only faintly there, and is mixed in well with his own chakra. If I were a normal sensor nin, I'd have to focus on finding it to be able to tell.


Back in class, we're still doing socializing exercises. Right now, we're drawing sticks out of a bucket. Only a third of the class is going, then another third will go. And then they have to find the people shown on their sticks.

The kicker? They don't get to shout across the room and ask for said person, they have to go around and ask people for their names while also introducing themselves.

It's pretty basic first day stuff, though they wouldn't know that.

After we all get in our groups, Iruka-sensei said he'd tell us what to do next then.

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