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The hokage chuckled at my cheerful interjection.

"I happen to have overheard you wish to join the ninja academy?" He asks.

"Yup! Kaa-san is sick, but we don't have the money for the hospital. But, if I join the academy and become a shinobi then the fees will be waved!" I smiled a toothy smile as I explained.

I think I might be overdoing it a bit, but... meh.

"Oh? Well, technically the academy has already stopped receiving students, but I think we can work something out," he winked at me.

This bitch, he purposely worded that to make it sound like he was doing me a favor. Even though the truth is, I actually am the perfect age to join either this year as, slightly younger than the others, or next year, as slightly older than the others.

I opened my eyes, smiling ear to ear with sparkles seemingly surrounding me.

"Would you really do that for me!?" I exclaimed.

"Mhm! I don't see why not. You have such a strong will of fire." He explains.

Nice! It's working! Please wave the school fees, please wave the school fees.

"In fact, I think we can get you in for free, no extra charge to your parents." He explains.

"Ahhh, sugoi~ would you really?" I asked, trying my best to act amazed. Send help, I might die.

"Ahhh! Thank you, thank you hokage-sama!" I thanked.

Yes, thank you for falling for my superb acting.

"You're very welcome. Just remember to show up to the academy at 7 Monday, alright? You know where it is, yes?"

"Definatley, and yes!" I sparkled. Seriously, go do whatever you were doing old man, I'm running out of sparkles over here.

After standing for a moment or two longer I  ran out of the hokage tower, waving behind me. I did not want to be there any longer.

After getting far enough away I let out a long sigh. Geez, plus, what is that chakra reserve!? It's way too large! Not to mention all of the anbu hiding in the shadows.

A shiver ran down my spine. Imagine if I couldn't sense chakra as well. I would've never known. Actually, my sensor abilities have saved me a lot of time.

Anyways, my main reason for getting into the academy is to get into it's library, where all of the higher ranking ninjutsu scrolls are hidden. Probably won't be able to just walk out with them either.

Ugh, anyways, time to go to the market. We have enough rice to last this week and we don't need sugar yet either. So today is just milk, meat, and eggs.

As I was walking through the stalls, heading towards the meat stalls, I ran in to a familiar face. Shikamaru, and he looks less than impressed.

"You're very troublesome to find," he admitted. I have no idea what I did to catch his interest, but I have.

"Hey, Shikamaru, and... friend, don't walk away so fast," another familiar face, though not one I have met yet, called out.

"You're the one who got distracted by the chips, Choji," Shikamaru rolled his eyes.

I can't deal with this, one I could handle, but I really don't want to meet any more of the main cast.

As they continued their banter, I walked away to the meat stalls. Though, Shikamaru saw and immediately began following, Choji following Shikamaru. And so we were now walking three in a row through the market.

Reborn (Naruto x Male!OC)Where stories live. Discover now