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Everything else went to plan it seems.

Naruto is tied beside me, his mouth is gaged too, probably to keep him from waking me up. Thank you Kakashi.

I awoke to Sakura's scream, so I guess we're near the end. I stretched my arms above my head and yawned. My eye bags were still dark, but sleep is sleep.

I didn't bother Naruto, he was pouting to himself. I yawned once again, tears gathering at my eyes. Then Kakashi appeared, the alarm ringing soon after.

"Good morning! I hope you had a good nap!" Kakashi eye smiled towards me. Ignoring Naruto's thrashing.

"Mmm, it was okay. Still tired though," I admitted. Kakashi didn't say anything else, the other two showing up shortly after.

Kakashi had them sit near Naruto and ungaged him.

"I have decided that none of you will be going to the academy," Kakashi eye smiled.

He's not even speaking to me, seriously, I'm over here towards his not so blind side.

"Does that mean, that us, all four of us!?" Naruto began.

"Huh? But all I did was pass out, do you get points for that?" Sakura asked. Well... at least she's aware. And hey, if we do then good for me!

But why is Kakashi getting them so excited just to crush their dreams? Is he a sadist? Seriously, even Sasuke isn't brooding as usual.

"That's right! I have decided to drop you three from the program, permanently!" Kakashi said, still eye smiling. This dude seriously needs to stop.

All three of them were shocked, it's safe to say they didn't like it at all.

Sasuke charged at Kakashi, trying to tackle him I guess.

Kakashi, flipped Sasuke around, face planting him into the ground before sitting on top of him. And, Kakashi is getting annoyed now.

"Hey! You can't sit on top of Sasuke-kun like that!" Sakura exclaimed.

"Plus, you said us three, then what about Kai!" Saukra continued to scream. Hey, don't bring me into this.

"Did none of you stop to think about an underlying meaning? Your shinobi, your supposed to look underneath the underneath." Kakasho stated.

"Underlying meaning?" Sakura mumbled.

"Kai got it, he found it, and he committed to it, even if he hurt himself at some point in the outcome. That is why he isn't being dropped." Kakashi stated, his voice stern and raised ever so slightly.

"None of you have any idea, do you?" Kakashi asked.

"Teamwork," I interupted, taking pity on the children, "the answer he's looking for is simply teamwork." I state sternly.

"They don't tell you this in the academy, but becoming a shinobi is not all fun and games. There will be wars, and people you know, you love, they will die. You'll be subjected to cruel conditions and even crueler people. There is no escaping that. The hard truth to this world is that it is built on war and bloodshed. Innocent people dying to protect what is precious to them. Eventually, you'll also have to kill someone. And you need to be prepared for that. The fastestest way for you to become stronger is to rely on your teammates. They will cover your weaknesses and help build up your strengths. That is why we were placed onto teams in the first place. The quicker you get that the better off you'll be." I stated lazily. I couldn't be bothered to look to them while talking.

They were all stark silent. Only sound being the birds.

"That's right" Kakashi stated, sadly. He looked over to the MIA stone, "those who break the rules are scum, that is true, but those who leave behind their comrades are worst than scum."

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