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The room was shocked silent, I sweatdroped once again.

"Meet me on the roof top!" He said cheerfully before he shunshin'd to the roof.

I sigh as the other gawk for a moment, before Naruto begins running while challenging Sasuke to a race. Then Sasuke begins running after Naruto, leading to Sakura to run after Sasuke. I sigh once again before walking towards the stairs to the roof.

I took my sweet time walking to the roof, half because I want to get back at Kakashi and half because I didn't feel like going any faster.

When I reached the roof, they all were staring at me, while Kakashi eye smiled. Probably because they were waiting for me.

"Nice of you to join us," Kakashi stated while releasing slight killing intent. Though, he didn't have any ill intentions. He's probably trying to instill his authority. Though, it's not working for me that well.

The other three tensed up and slowly turned around towards Kakashi, while I walked to sit beside Sasuke, unbothered.

Kakashi reined in his KI before humming in interest to himself and then beginning.

"Well, for our first order of business, introductions!" He stated with an eye smile.

"An introduction? What are we supposed supposed say?" Sakura asked.

"Well.. things you like, things you hate, hobbies, dreams for the future, things like that." Kakashi explained patiently.

"Hey! How about you go first! So we know how it's supposed to work," Naruto suggested, Sakura nodding along.

"Maa, okay. Things I like and things I hate... nothing comes to mind. Hobbies? I have lots of hobbies. And dreams for the future? Never thought about it." He went on with his introduction.

"Y'know, he said a lot but all we really got was his name." Sakura pointed out. I sigh again, this is taking so long. I've lost so much time I could have been spending taking care of the farm with.

"Alright, let's start with you, on the left," Kakashi pointed to Naruto.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki, dattebayo! I like ramen and trying different ramen, especially that ramen Iruka-sensei took me to! But I hate the five minutes you have to wait for instant ramen to cook! My hobbies are eating different ramen and comparing them! And my dream? My dream is to become hokage! That way everyone will stop ignoring me and treat me like somebody, somebody important!" Naruto shouted out in one go.

Honestly, he must have some strong lungs.

"Alright, next you, pinky," Kakashi moved swiftly on to Sakura.

"My names Sakura Harano! What I like... I mean the person I like," she glanced to Sasuke, "my hobbies are...," she glanced towards Sasuke again and giggled, "and my dream for the future....!," she, you guessed it, looked towards Sasuke and squealed.

"And your dislikes?" Kakashi prompted.

"I hate Naruto!" Her mood did a 180, immedialty shouting without hesitation. Naruto deflated at the words, a gloomy cloud hanging above him.

"Hmm, next, the emo," Kakashi turned towards Sasuke.

"My name... is Sasuke Uchiha. I don't particularly like anything, and I hate most things. I don't have many hobbies. And my dream... it isn't really a dream, more of an ambition. My goal is to without fail, restore my clan and kill a certain someone." The Uchiha sorta explained, his hands infront of his face. Like an emo bitch.

Naruto looks as if he's going to piss himself while Sakura looked about a step away from an orgasm.

Seriously, what's with them anyways. I've always wondered this, even in my last life, but how do they act so happy go lucky in this world, where people die for this village every day?

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