It's Been Ten Years

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"Tommy, I told you that was a bad idea," Tubbo said from the back of the cell. The two were locked in a prison of a foreng country for crimes they didn't commit! Okay, they did do the crimes, but they weren't that many, or big! Okay they committed a dozen crimes, and they were pretty serious, but they didn't mean to! Tubbo didn't mean to at least.

Tommy was standing at the bars, trying to rub his shackles off by grinding them against the metal. "I'll get us out of here, don't worry, Tubs! I'm a big man!"

"You said that, then you mugged three people with that rusty gun that didn't even work," Tubbo pointed out.

"Yes but-"

"Then you broke into some guy's house and robbed the place," Tubbo continued, listing off the crimes he was an accomplice for on his fingers. "You drowned a girl, you broke into a store.."

"I get it, I get it! But we're in some weird kingdom, and our money- not that we have any thanks to Wilbur- isn't useful 'cause they have a whole different currency. I'm surprised they don't speak a different language!" Tommy complained. He sighed and slumped down against a wall. "This trip isn't going to plan."

"You never had a plan. You left and brought me with because-"

"I know why I left, I don't need reminding," Tommy sighed.

"We just need to get out of here, then we can skip town. Maybe it isn't too late to go back to Wilbur, he shouldn't mind, you're his brother."

"Was," Tommy corrected. "I was his brother before he decided to betray me, rob me and try to kill me."

Tubbo sighed. He moved closer to Tommy. "I'm sorry that happened to you. Just remember, I'll always be your friend, and I'll stick by your side. I mean... with all that's happened, it's amazing we're still both alive. Ranboo's gone, he disappeared so long ago yet I remember him so well... I miss him, still.

"Ranboo isn't the point- I'm just glad we still have each other. Better than nothing. And I think I'm starting to get over him."

"Starting?" Tommy asked.

Tubbo chuckled. "I've been working on getting over him for a while."

"You don't sound like it very much," Tommy said with a smirk.

"Ugh, you sound like you haven't slept in three days," Tubbo said.

"You know I didn't!" Tommy said, giggling.

"Neither have I. Let's just get some sleep," Tubbo said.

To that, they both agreed. They quickly were able to nod off, soothing their bodies as they relaxed, laying on each other for comfort so if anything happened to one, the other would wake up.

But Tubbo woke up again when he heard people talking:

"Your Highness, we have two new ones, here's a list of what they've done." THere was paper rustling as it switched hands.

"...They did all of this?"

"Everyone was surprised, just some teenage boys. And I don't think they're residents, no record of them before this."

"Which cell?"

"Last one in the right. You gonna give them a talking to?"

"I wanna see what's going on with them."

"Do you need a guard? They are going on death row."

"I decided if they are or not. And they're just teenagers, you just said that. I don't need a guard, I can holler if I need help or something. I doubt I will, they should be shackled- Oh, by the way, I need the keys."

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