Lonely Bee Boy

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He heard snapping.

Tubbo opened his eyes, which were evidently closed.


"If you insist on being here, you should at least listen to what I'm saying," He heard Ranboo say.

Tubbo was surprised to see himself sitting with a plate full of plants and stuff, no meat, in front of him on one side of a long table, Ranboo on the other side with a plate full of different foods which he found slightly less appetizing the longer he looked at it.

They were sitting in a large dining hall that made the words echo. The place was full of candles lighting up the place. It took a moment to realize that Ranboo was a full Enderman. Not a hybrid anymore.

"S-sorry, but uh, why do you look so different?" Tubbo asked, surprised by the little tone of buzzing in his voice.

The Enderman glanced up from his food. "Excuse me?"

Tubbo felt him staring holes into his soul and said, "Uh- Sorry... I think it was just the candle light messing with my eyes."

He glanced down at himself. He was wearing black and yellow striped sweater with jean overalls. And... two pairs of arms? He nearly jumped out of his seat. He actually scooted his chair slightly, and the noise echoed around the room. Ranboo's eyes darted back up to him, then he continued eating after realizing that Tubbo wouldn't say anything.

"You know," Ranboo finally said after a moment. "If you're gonna be all weird, acting like you don't even know you have wings-"

Tubbo, who had tried to take a drink of water, spit it out over the table, extinguishing two candles close to him. "I have wings?!?" He blurted out.

Ranboo raised an eyebrow and set down his silverware. "Are you alright? Did you hit your head on the doorway on the way in or something?"

Tubbo narrowed his eyes slightly at Ranboo. "Just- where's Tommy?"

"The chicken boy? The butler one? Why him?' Ranboo asked/

"Can you just get him?"

Ranboo sighed and grabbed one of the silver hand-bells by his plate. "Oh, Tommy!"

There was a blonde boy who strapped some goggles to his blonde fluffy hair, pressing it down. He had those little wing ears and sharp little teeth and little chicken wings. He had little patches of feathers on his skin. He wore a tuxedo vest with a red bow-tie that was messily done with a white undershirt and black dress-pants. He didn't look tired, just bored and impatient.

"Yea- er, uh Yes, Sir?" Tommy said, it was clear that he was still in training or whatever.

"Tubbo needs to talk to you for some reason," Ranboo said, gesturing vaguely towards Tubbo.

The chicken boy turned his head. He seemed to not recognize Tubbo. "Yes?"

"I, uh," Honestly he didn't expect for him to get this far. "...Need you to show me where the bathroom is...?"

Tommy sighed, "Yea okay, come on." Tubbo stood up and started to walk with Tommy, who, as soon as he was out of sight from Ranboo, ditched his good posture and went back to slouching. Despite this, he was still taller than Tubbo was.

"Ya know, I was watching that dinner you were having, and saw you have your... uh moment," Tommy said as they walked. "What was that all about?"

"Can I trust you?"

"I mean, I don't really have anyone to tell, so sure," Tommy said. He lurched forward similar to a car suddenly breaking as Tubbo put his hand out to stop Tommy.

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