Unknown Visitor

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"No fair! I don't know how to fight!" Tommy whined.

"That's why we're practicing," Ranboo said, setting down the wooden swords against the wall. They were both surprised they were allowed to bring them to the hospital, so now they were both just trying to relax and keep their minds off Tubbo.

"Plus, You'll only have to do it again," Ranboo said, "Apparently learning new skills is great for distracting people from bad things like this."

Ranboo sat down in a chair near Tubbo, then he saw tears streaming down his face, slowly.


He saw his shoulders raise up slightly, and his face twitched. Tubbo barely moved since Dr. Dream did those tests on him three weeks ago.

This gave him a bit of hope.

"What happened?" Tommy asked, walking over. He paused. "Is that a good thing?"

"Yes and no. He might be waking up soon, and also, well, he's crying."

"Should we get the doctor?" Tommy asked, though he seemed hesitant.

"I don't trust him," Ranboo replied. "Something's up with him. I think he's messing with Tubbo."

"Yea," Tommy said, sighing.

Ranboo glanced out the door, and saw through the clouded window in the door that doctor.

"I'll be right back."

"Follow the bitch!!"

Ranboo wandered out the hall, his footsteps were quiet as he followed Dr. Dream through the busy hallway. Dr. Dream stopped outside of the same door from last time, and Ranboo pretended to check his phone as he watched the man step inside the room. Ranboo got closer, still pretending to be on his phone.

He listened in.

"He's getting onto it. Someone else is in there. Someone else is telling him what he needs to do. He knew instantly, saw through the trick you wanted," Spoke the same deep voice from before.

"Then find out who it is," Dream instructed.

"I'm not sure how to do it. I'm not sure how I even do what I already do, I can't do more."

"You guys all look different than normal people, just figure out who looks more like you."

"Fine, I have maybe a day to figure it out."

"Then get it done."

Ranboo was quick to walk to the other side of the hall as the door opened. But he saw- rather than Dr. Dream- was an Enderman. The Enderman wore a black and purple with dark-wash jeans and an overall casual look about him. He had a name tag hung around his neck. The Enderman caught his eye and approached him.

"Kid, why're you here?" He asked in a hushed tone.

Anxiety shot through his veins and he didn't think he should tell the truth. "I-i was- uhm- my mom broke her leg." He quickly lied.

"You aren't fooling anyone," The Enderman shot. "Come on." He grabbed Ranboo's wrist and started pulling him.

"Hey- what are you doing?"

"I know what you've been doing, and I know you know it, and what it means," The Enderman hissed.

"I don't even know your name!" Ranboo pointed out.

"Delusion. And don't you raise your voice."

"Where are you taking me?"

Delusion didn't answer, then opened the door to a room to see it was Tubbo's.

"Ranboo?" Tommy asked, he stood up from the chair he was sitting in. "Who's that?"

Delusion threw Ranboo against the wall in a way to where it was definitely going to leave a bruise and he fell to the ground. Delusion walked up to Tubbo and peered over him. "Hey! Dude, what are you doing?" Tommy protested, trying to shove him back.

"I'd shut up if I were you," Delusion hissed. Ranboo grabbed Tommy and pulled him back. "You two better be quiet or I'll sew your mouths shut."

They watched as Delusion grabbed a few chairs and used them to lock the door. After a few minutes, Delusion sat down on the floor, and closed his eyes.

"Tommy, don't say anything," Ranboo whispered, watching the Enderman. "I know what he's doing. It's a dream visiting thing some Endermen can do."

"Can you do it?" Tommy asked in a matching whisper.

"I think I can... I did it before by accident and after like a year I learned how to do it," Ranboo answered. "I'm going to try and do it. He's for sure the guy messing with Tubbo."

Ranboo sighed. "I need you to be quiet, make sure no one walks in."

He slid down on the floor and Tommy walked to the door. Ranboo closed his eyes and did the same.

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