Hallway Conversation

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"Wilburr," Tommy whined, "Stop messing with him!"

Wilbur moved away from Tubbo and sat down in a chair. "Oh, I was just having some fun!"

"Well it doesn't look like fun for him," Tommy pointed out, annoyed. "If you're gonna be rude, just leave."

Wilbur sighed. "I have stuff to be doing anyways," He said as he walked out the door, slamming it and startling Ranboo awake.

Ranboo sighed as he glanced back at Tubbo. His shoulders and face kept twitching and Ranboo had no idea if that was a good thing or not, neither did Tommy.

"I wonder what he's thinking about. Don't people in comas dream and shit?"

"Yea, I think it's based on what people say to them. I hope Wilbur didn't make him too unhappy, I hope he's alright," Ranboo said.

"He should wake up soon. He keeps twitching, I think that's a good sign," Tommy pointed out.

"I don't think that's how it works..." Ranboo trailed off because he barely knew what any of it meant either. They were teenage boys, just trying to keep their friend in a coma company.

"I feel kind of bad for him," Ranboo sighed.

"Yea, we all do. We should have been careful," Tommy said.

"We?" Ranboo echoed. "You didn't even try to stop him from running out into the street!"

"You would have done the same thing to me!" Tommy retorted.

"I wouldn't have-" Ranboo stopped himself and sighed. "We shouldn't fight..."

"Yea- yea, probably not."

Ranboo stood up and stretched, "I'll be right back, I have to use the bathroom."

Tommy nodded and Ranboo walked out of the hospital room. He wandered the hospital looking for the restroom when he heard someone saying something in a hissing, low voice.

"I'm taking care of the kid, round three's coming up."

"Be quick, those two are always there, they might ruin it," A second voice said in a higher voice, but it was still quite masculine.

"I'm trying, but there's someone else there. Whoever it is, they're ruining it and I haven't gotten much in. That blonde has power, but so does that hybrid. I can fix this."

"You better. I'm calling in our little favor. You know what happened last time you didn't go along with it."

The first person's voice shook a little. "I remember. I'm working on fixing it, I promise. I'm getting the job done."


Ranboo had gone closer to the closed door than he intended, and as he heard footsteps he jumped backwards and started walking in some random direction.

He heard footsteps walking behind him and he turned around.

There was a man who wore a smiling mask covering most of his face besides his mouth, which was shaped into a scowl. He had a white shirt with a dark green overshirt and black dress pants. He had a name tag with a name that Ranboo couldn't make out.

The man smiled when he saw that Ranboo was looking. Ranboo awkwardly smiled back. Ranboo continued to walk through the halls, hoping that the man would turn away.

But Ranboo got to the door of the hospital room, he heard the doctor behind him say, "Heh, same room today, huh?"

The man walked beside Ranboo and opened the door for him. "Don't worry," The doctor said as he went in, "Just a few tests to make sure he's still mentally stable, nothing bad."

Tommy looked over at Ranboo. "I do need you two to vacate the room for maybe an hour."

"Where do we go?"

"Well, you can wait in the lobby until we come back and get you, or you could go home. I mean, you have been here for most of the two weeks the boy has been in the coma," The doctor said.

"What is your name even?" Tommy asked rather rudely.

"Dr. Taken. Weird last name so people will just call me Dr. Dream or Dream, either is fine," He said.

Ranboo sighed and brought Tommy out of the room.

"I don't trust him," Tommy said as they sat in the lobby, waiting for the doctor to come back and bring them back into the room.

"I heard him talking to someone, I think he was talking about Tubbo," Ranboo said. He then told Tommy roughly what he heard, and Tommy hastily agreed.

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