That Sorrow Filled Day

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The three boys walked through the forest, towards the sounds of a car.

"I'm telling you, Tommy," Ranboo said. "Since we finished sophomore year, we're seniors technically."

"No, we aren't in school so we're still in sophomore, that's how it works," Tommy said.

"Guys! We're almost there, stop fighting," Tubbo said, stepping in between them.

"What are we even gonna do here?" Ranboo asked.

"Something I did a lot as a kid, just run through the road and try not to get hit. It's like Crossy Roads in real life, and it's fun!" Tubbo said.

"I don't know, that seems kind of dangerous," Ranboo said, folding his arms anxiously.

"I've done it a million times, and I'm fine!" Tubbo said.

"So why are we going to the highway?"

"Because the more cars, the faster, the better," Tommy said. "It's fun."

They made it to the edge of the highway, cars zooming by. It made Ranboo even more nervous about doing this. And it made Tubbo even more excited.

Tubbo smiled and climbed up so he was standing on the edge. Tommy was quick to join him with an equally huge smile on his face. Ranboo was worried as he climbed up the edge and stood beside the two.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?!" Ranboo had to shout to be heard over the noises of the cars.

"Yes! Come on, it's fine!" Tubbo shouted in reply.

Tubbo smiled and took a step forward. He ran forward and stopped right before the second lane. Nine more to go.

Ranboo looked uneasily at Tommy.

Tubbo continued until the fifth lane in the center. A car bulldozened Tubbo into the air, and when he came down, he hit his head on the cemente.

The traffic came to a screeching halt and Ranboo and Tommy rushed over.

Ranboo, the only one in the group with his phone, grabbed it out and called 911.

"Hello, 911, what's your emergency?"

"My friend was hit with a car! He's bleeding a lot, I think he's gonna die!!"

"Okay, calm down, what's your name?"

"Ranboo, we're somewhere along the highway and..." There was shouting in the background as Tommy cried out for help.

"Please hurry!"

"Okay, there are paramedics on the way, is the car that hit him still there?"

"Yes, he stopped and he's right in front of us."

The person stepped out of the car and looked back. Fucking Wilbur, of course he would be the one to have hit Tubbo with his car.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry, I didn't see him I swear!"

Sirens blasted up and down, and it only took a few more moments of Wilbur frantically apologizing, sirens blaring towards them, Tommy crying out for help, and Tubbo bleeding out on the pavement to make Ranboo pass out from stress.

Ranboo woke up a few minutes later, and there was a basically bald paramedic. "Oi, get up, buddy!"

He dragged Ranboo up and he could see the scene before him. Tubbo was being strapped to a stretcher, most of him was being obscured. He could see the ambulance and a bunch of other paramedics and there was a police officer questioning Wilbur, and Tommy was not too far off being questioned by another.

"You okay?" The paramedic asked. "I thought you were dead for a second, you were really passed out!"

"I, uh, I pass out sometimes," Ranboo said. "I didn't hit my head too hard, so I'm fine. But what about Tubbo? The person who was hit by a car?"

"I don't know, they won't let me over there because I'm "Unprofessional"!" He made air-quotes.

"What did you say your name was?"

"Jack Manifold," He said.

Ranboo left towards Tubbo. He watched as they loaded him into the ambulance.

"Do you want to ride with him?" One of the paramedics, Niki, asked.

Ranboo glanced over at Tommy, who was busy with the police officer and nodded. He climbed in and the doors shut.

Ranboo sat with Tommy and Philza Minecraft in the lobby, waiting for the doctor to come out and tell them that everything would be okay and they could go home with Tubbo and enjoy their summer vacation.

Ranboo blamed himself. He should have stopped Tubbo, he should have tried harder to keep him from running around. But now Tubbo was hurting and in surgery. And it was Ranboo's fault.

Ranboo glanced at Tommy, he was asleep, leaning on his father.

It was like three AM. He was tired, but he was so anxious he couldn't get to sleep. His leg was bouncing and he couldn't keep his hands from shaking.

Ranboo felt a hand on his shoulder and he looked up. "Ranboo, you should get some sleep."

"I'm not tired," He said.

"It's okay, I can wake you up if anything happens."

Ranboo sighed and nodded. He leaned against Phil, mirroring Tommy and fell asleep once he was able to relax a little bit.

Philza shook Ranboo and Tommy awake.

Ranboo looked up and saw a doctor wearing some green. "Okay, so Tubbo will be okay. There were some broken ribs, a punctured lung, a fracture in the skull, and some other minor injuries. But, after a few more surgeries, he should be good to go. Well, that and the fracture in the skull caused something to set off a coma. We aren't sure when he should wake up, but we are giving him the proper care."

"Can we see him?" Tommy asked.

The doctor nodded. The trio stood up and followed the doctor to a door. He slid open the door and the three walked in.

There were a lot of machines hooked up to Tubbo, lying unconscious in the bed. The room was white with blue accents and it looked pristine. Ranboo immediately felt his eyes well up with tears.

He felt horrible and sick and he didn't know whether to scream or cry. Ranboo wanted to leave, but he didn't want to at the same time .

Ranboo was just stuck, horrified.

He heard Tommy taking shaky breaths in and out.

"I-is he okay?"

"Yes," The doctor said. "A few more surgeries and a few more weeks of healing, he will be okay."

"He doesn't look okay," Tommy said.

"I promise, he'll be okay," The doctor said.

Ranboo felt tears roll down his face, leaving a steaming trail down his face faster and faster.

"Here, sit down, Ranboo," Philza said, he ushered him to a chair. Ranboo began sobbing uncontrollably, trying to be quiet.

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