Post credit scene equivalent.

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Tubbo sat down in a seat near the front of the class, with Ranboo and Tommy on opposite sides of him, still chattering until the bell rang.

"Hello, my name is Mrs. Adams, and I want you all to go around, say your name and what you did on your summer vacation," She said as she wrote her name on the chalkboard.

She scanned the class until her eyes landed on Tubbo. "Boy in the green shirt, why don't you go first?"

Tubbo stood up, hoping everyone else would so he wouldn't look stupid. He cleared his throat and said, "My name's Tubbo, and I didn't do anything during summer vacation."

"Tubbo, you must've done something over summer vacation unless you just laid in bed asleep."

Tubbo grinned. "I did! I was in a coma 'cause I was hit by a car right after the last day of school, and I woke up only a few days ago!"

Mrs. Adams didn't seem sure about how to react. She turned to Ranboo. "Why don't you go?"

Ranboo stood up and said quickly, "My name is Ranboo and I spent my summer vacation asleep or arguing with Tommy or thinking that my best friend was dying in a coma because he was." He sat back down quickly.

Mrs. Adams seemed to be starting to think this was all an elaborate joke.

She pointed to Tommy. "Alright, your turn."

"I'm Tommy, and I spent my summer vacation arguing with Ranboob, sleeping, and thinking about how my best friend was in a coma, probably dying."

By now, the class was snickering as the teacher couldn't tell if the trio of boys was just lying to get attention, were just jokers, or were telling the truth.

"And are you telling the truth?"

Tubbo stood up again and he pulled up his shirt a bit to reveal a large surgery scar up his stomach that was in fact rather fresh. "Yep! It was Tommy's brother who hit me with a car and sent me fifteen feet into the sky!!"

The class laughed as Mrs. Adams tried to contain them.

Tubbo said down, and the three of them looked at each other in contempt that they had caused chaos within the first few hours of school. And that Tubbo was now the kid who was sent fifteen feet into the air, though it was changed to fifty rather quickly. Tubbo didn't mind, because he was already rather famous around the school.

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