Welcome to The Real World

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Tubbo blinked open slowly and shielded his eyes. He hesitated then sat up in bed.

He saw a darker figure sitting on the floor opposite him, and a figure that seemed to be freaking out.

Tubbo blinked a few times.


The figure turned. It was Tommy.

"Tubbo?! Tubbo! Holy fuck!" Tommy rushed up to him and smiled.

The other figure, he now knew as Ranboo, approached. There were seemingly burn marks across his face, the water.

"Ranboo... I'm so sorry I hurt you," Tubbo apologized.

"I would have died if you didn't," Ranboo said, smiling softly.

"We should get out of here," Tommy cut in.

"Yea, yea," Ranboo looked at Tommy. "Yea, I can go call Phil, if the Enderman starts moving again just kick him really hard in the gut."

"Wait-" Tubbo was cut off by the door slamming closed. "The Enderman is dead?"

"I don't know what happened, I was literally the only person here," Tommy said.

"I threw some water on Ranboo and that Enderman, but I thought I was just..." Tubbo paused. "How do I know I'm not still dreaming?"


"How do I know you're really Tommy? And not that... Thing? The Enderman?" Tubbo asked, getting a little anxious.

Tommy was quick to grab his water bottle, hold it over his head, then pour out roughly half of a full bottle on his head.

"See? That probably didn't happen to the Enderman," Tommy said. He glanced to the other side of the bed and said, "I, uh, probably could have just showed you the body... now I'm wet and there aren't any towels."

Tubbo smiled. "I missed you being so stupid."

Tubbo stretched his arms out for a hug, and Tommy did. "I missed you too."

After a minute of this, Tommy turned back when Ranboo entered.

"So, Phil is gonna be here in twenty minutes to pick us up, until then we need to hide that Enderman," Ranboo said. Tommy helped Ranboo grab the dead Enderman, and drag him to the window that Tommy then opened and Ranboo flung out the window.

Tubbo watched in amazement. He paused. "What the fuck...?"

Tommy shrugged. "It's fine, it's the gardener's problem now."

"Sound logic," Tubbo said.

So the boys just talked until Philza came. Tommy and Ranboo caught Tubbo up on what happened. It was nothing all that much.

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