College Student with a Kid

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"Tubbo? Tubbo, come on! Wake up, if the manager sees you sleepin', we'll get yelled at! And I'll get fired and that'll make it three jobs in four months," Tommy said, shaking him awake.

Tubbo was slouched uncomfortably against something and there was a younger looking fox-hybrid with a dark cap and matching coat looking impatient in front of him. He was supposed to be a cashier, and to his left, Tommy was the bagger. And the Fox-Hybrid in front of him was supposed to be the customer.

"Come on, man," Tommy said.

The nineteen year old sighed and began checking out the fox-boy who looked to be the same age as Tubbo, maybe a little older.

After they finished with the fox guy, there was no-one in line, so Tommy walked up to Tubbo. "Hey, what's with sleeping? You just got in trouble with the manager yesterday for that."

Tubbo paused, "I can trust you, right?"

"Well yea, you've been my best friend since primary school," Tommy said. "If you couldn't trust me, we wouldn't still be friends."

Tubbo sighed and continued to tell the whole story, a briefer version because his patience for this charade was wearing thin.

"Tubbo, how did you pass that drug test?' Tommy asked after Tubbo finished.

"Listen, I'm telling the truth!" Tubbo said.

"Prove it," Tommy said.

"How do I prove it?"

"...Fair point, you got me there, I guess you are telling the truth."

That was easy I guess... Tubbo thought. But also, how is he so gullible?

"Wait, that was all it took?"

They were interrupted when a twenty something year old walked up to the cash register, dragging a cart filled half-way up with the cheap store brands. In the cart sat a young three-year-old zombie-piglin sat in overalls, playing around with a little bee plushie, contempt. It made Tubbo feel a little childish that he had the exact same one. Tommy went back to the bagging station as the person asked, "Is this lane still open?"

"Yea, I can check you out," Tubbo said.

"Great! I'm kind of in a hurry, and all the other lines were super long. My son's babysitter is coming in ten minutes to the house and she'll have to cancel if I'm there when she gets home, and I can't afford to take him the college class I have to get to," The man stopped to catch his breath, "Sorry, I-i'm rambling again."

"Oh, no, It's fine, my friend does it alot," Tubbo said. "My name's Tubbo by the way." He started scanning the items that he put down, then sliding them down to Tommy to bag.

"I'm Ranboo," He said. He slid the cart over so Tommy could put the bags into the now empty cart.

"Nice to meet you, and you have a son?"

"Yea, his name's Michael."

"You look too young for a son," Tubbo pointed out.

Ranboo chuckled, "Yea, I'm twenty. Michael's turning three soon."

Tubbo finished scanning all the groceries. "Okay, that comes to $67.83, will that be cash or card?"

Ranboo dug in his wallet and passed Tubbo a card. He scanned it and gave it back. Tommy cut in once Ranboo was closer to him. "You know, if your babysitter cancels again, Tubbo is always free."

"I-i'm not always free! I have a life!" Tubbo said quickly. "Er- n-not that I wouldn't want to- i just- uhm-"

"He means 'I'd love to'," Tommy said.

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