Blood Moon Ball

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 "Tubbo, sir, you need to get up," He heard someone say.

Tubbo was getting sick of this whole thing. He just needed to find the Entity, and kill it. Maybe if he did it enough times he could get back to his life... What was his life? This is the fourth one, and he didn't remember which one was real. Maybe it was this one.

"Sir, come on, the party is starting in a few minutes."

"I'm tired."

"Just get up."

Tubbo looked up to realize he was sitting at a desk. He ruffled his head, finding the appearance of his horns. He stood up to see someone familiar. Jack Manifold. Maybe this was his real world.

"Come on, I'm not getting paid to spend time with you," Jack said. He caught a glimpse at him. It was just him. Horns, goat ears, dirty blonde hair, but a suit with some embroidered on it.

"Wait, what party?" Tubbo asked

Jack sighed. "The Blood Moon Ball. Your family's hosting and representatives are lined up and we're about to let them in. Your father wants you there when they do."

"Makes sense."

Jack looked down at his watch, "And you took forever to get up, so they are already here."

They picked up the pace until they got to a large ballroom, filled with people, all in fancy attire. Tubbo scanned the crowd and found his target from the top of the stairs.

"Is that all you need me for, Jack?" Tubbo asked, keeping his eyes on Ranboo, who still seemed to be looking for him.


"Good," Tubbo said. He didn't hesitate to jump on the railing and slide down. He hopped off and followed Ranboo. He couldn't grab a knife or anything sharp, but he could just go to a fist-fight.

"Hey," Tubbo said, jumping in front of Ranboo's line of view. He looked relieved to see Tubbo, but before he could say anything, Tubbo continued. "Let's go to a private room to fight, I don't want to cause a scene."

"Fight? Tubbo, what are you talking about? I'm trying to get you out of here and stop-" He was interrupted by Tommy, throwing himself in between Ranboo and Tubbo.

"Heyyy guyss!!"

Ranboo narrowed his eyes and grabbed Tubbo, pulling him closer.

"What are you doing?"

"Let's get out of here," Ranboo said. Tubbo hastily agreed and they started weaving through the crowd.

"Wait- How can I trust you?" Tubbo asked as they tried to shake off Tommy.

"I don't know," Ranboo said. "Didn't you have a way to do it? Something about acting differently?"

"How did you know? Are you really Ranboo?"

"I'm subconsciously traveling to your dreams. I was the voice in your head, but now I'm focusing, I can actually be here," Ranboo explained. He took a hard left turn towards the snack bar.

"How do I know that you aren't... the thing?" Tubbo asked.

"You don't, just trust me," Ranboo said. He climbed up the stairs quickly, dragging Tubbo with him.

"Tubbo! Come onn! I'm your friend!" Tommy exclaimed, following after the two.

Ranboo tried to leave again, but Tubbo stayed put. "I want to do something."

He could see the conflict in Ranboo's eyes before deciding to stay.

Tommy caught up and smiled brightly, "Tubbo! Come on, I wanna show you something!"

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