Dreams vs. Reality

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When Philza came into the room, two of the boys stood up, smiling.

"Let's get out of here," Tommy said.

"We have to check Tubbo out first," Philza said. He turned his attention to Tubbo. "How're ya doing, Kiddo?"

Tubbo smiled. "Better."

Philza hugged him carefully, and Tubbo, for the first time forever, felt safe.

"I gotta do a few things before we can leave with you," Philza explained, letting go. "So I'll be right back."

Philza left again.

It took twenty minutes for Philza to come back with a sketchy looking doctor who hid his face with a smiling mask covering everything but his mouth. He wore a lot of green. The doctor looked down at him with a condescending smile.

"Hey, Tubbo," The doctor said. "My name's Dream, I just need to ask you a few questions, okay? Then I can let you leave."


"It's just protocol," Dream said.

"Are they hard?"

"They shouldn't be."

"What are the questions?"

"What is your name?"


"What school do you go to?"

"The only highschool in the town."

"Where are you now, and why?"

"The hospital because you won't let me leave."

The doctor gave a sturn chuckle. "You can leave, it's just in your best interest to stay here for a little bit longer."

Something about Dr. Dream made his skin crawl. He didn't trust this guy at all.

"One last question," Dream said. "Are you sure you aren't still dreaming?"

"Yes! I'm sure! I-i got rid of him, didn't I? I got rid of him," Tubbo said.

"How do you know he just wanted you to believe that?"

Tubbo looked to Ranboo and Tommy, but they were gone. When had they left? He looked for Phil, but he had gone, too. When did they leave?

Tubbo started freaking out. "What did you do to them?!"

"I did nothing."

"Tubbo? Tubbo, stop messing with us. Please be messing with us!" Tommy shook him. After a few moments, Tubbo shot up, breathing heavily. "Where is he?! Where did he go?!"

"Who are you talking about? Calm down, please," Philza said, pressing Tubbo lightly back down. "Breathe."

"The doctor wasn't here," Ranboo said after Tubbo explained. "Er, well he was but like, you passed out when he opened the door. He said that you would wake up soon, and that we could take you home once you get changed."

Philza handed Tubbo a stack of clothes and Phil, Ranboo and Tommy left so he could change.

Tubbo changed into a green button-up shirt with blue jeans and joined the trio. They got to Philza's car, Tommy said in the front with Philza and Ranboo and Tubbo sat in the back. The trio of teenagers decided silently to not tell Philza about the whole dream thing, and killing the Enderman.

So, the three boys got to hang until school started, forgetting about the whole affair, though they absolutely didn't play in the road.

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