Bad Days [1]

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a/n this does not follow the current kidnapping plotline

-Bakugo Katsuki-

School was very stressful for you these past weeks. With midterm exams coming up, your father expects a lot from you academic wise and also performance wise (for the hero aspect of the exams). With the competitiveness of Class 1-A, everyone is trying their best to exceed expectations and outperform each other. The stress and never-ending pressure everything is giving you is suffocating you from the inside. The goals you've set for youself now seems so far away. You were losing sleep from staying up late all night studying, forgetting to eat, drinking minimal water. You were losing awareness in your surroundings.

Soon you lost sight of yourself. Who are you? What is your purpose? You were so tired. So drained from trying to reach everyone's expectation of you.

After a long hard day of school and only surviving on caffeine and a 15 minute power nap, you were off to training at the Class 1-A designated gym. That was your current routine. Wake up, school, training, study, nap, repeat. On the way, you were stopped by your father. Aizawa.

He forcefully grabbed you by the shoulder and turned you around. Shocked by the sudden movements, you felt the room spin as you snapped back into reality.

"You're starting to look more like me by the day," He joked about the heavy undereye bags you developed.

You chuckled nervously at his comment as he furrowed his brows at your condition, "Are you doing alright? Your actions are sluggish and your reactions are slow. Would you perform and pass the hero exam?"

His words may seem caring and concerned from a parent's perspective, but those words felt like stone that piled onto your back, adding to the already overfilling stress and pressure you have been harbouring since weeks ago.

"Yea...I'm fine," You paused, trying to control your shaky voice, "Just had a bad training,"

Swiftly, without letting Aizawa get another word in you turned and ran out of his sight. Holding back a small cry, you ran towards the gym. Your mind spinning.





Words kept flashing through your mind as you finally reached the entrance of the gym.

Feeling all the stress and pressure you've been holding back from destroying you inside, hit you like a giant wave. It was heavy, it was painful and exhausting.

Tears, one by one, came sliding down your face until it was just a stream of water. Your legs gave out as you just sat on the lush green grass crying your heart out. Releasing all the pressure you've been feeling.

As you cried and wailed the feelings you've been trying so hard to keep at bay, locked in the back of your mind, you felt a pair of hands wrapped themselves around you. You felt warmth in this moment of darkness. You opened your reddened and puffy eyes to see fluffy blonde hair. A familiar, calming scent filled your nose as you hiccuped from the vigorous crying session.

"Bakugo?" He had engulfed you in a hug and lifted you into a more comfortable position. His arms wrapped around your neck, with you sat atop of his crossed legs. You hugged him tightly with your face snuggled in the crook of his neck.

He hummed the tune of your favourite song to help you calm down. However, that only made you start crying more. How appreciative you were to have such a kind and wonderful person in your life.

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