Missing [3]

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Denki Kaminari

Everyone gathered around the living room, some were watching tv, some were on their phones and some were just chilling. Jirou was on her phone, just staring at the blank screen.

'Jirou, why are you just staring at your phone?' Tsuyu croaked which caught the attention of most of the people in the room.

'Oh...um...[Y/n]'s plane is supposed to be landed already and she hasn't sent me a text, she promised she'll text me once she landed,' Jirou frowned. 

'Don't stress, her plane was probably delayed or something,' Momo said in an attempt to relax her fellow classmate.

'Ok...let me rephrase this, it has been two hours since her plane has landed and she has not seen any of the texts I have sent OR picked up any calls,' Jirou anxiously paced around the room, 

'She's my best friend, and I am afraid something happened to her,' Jirou added.

She tensely stared at Momo who struggled to come up with anything to calm her down. Just as Momo opened her mouth to say something, Jirou phone rang loudly. Swiftly she picked it up and shouted into the phone, '[Y/n]?!'

'Uh? No? I'm Jin, calling for [Y/n]? Her plane was suppose to land two hours ago and I haven't seen her or gotten contact with her,' A familiar man's voice spoke. 

'Ah! It's [Y/n]'s brother! I don't know Korean! Hagakure!' Jirou panicked and frantically searched for Hagakure.

'On it!' She appeared behind her and took her phone. 

'Hello! I am one of [Y/n]'s classmates! Anything I can help you with?' Hagakure spoke in broken korean.

'Mhm? Mhm...mhm...Not to worry sir! We will try our best to find her! Thank you for letting us know! We will update you when we find something,' Hagakure hung up after saying her goodbyes. 

'So?' Jirou looked at Hagakure in hope. Unbeknownst to her and the rest of the class, Hagakure was frowning. 

'[Y/n]'s missing,' Hagakure said, sending everyone into panic mode.

'She's...missing... We need to tell Aizawa-sensei!' Jirou exclaimed.

'Calm down, I'll go with you. Can the rest of you guys figure out when she disappeared? Text messages, location tracking, anything but do not leave the dorms!' Momo instructed and left with Jirou.

'She's...missing?' Kaminari muttered. He felt his whole world come crumbling down. The regret from picking that stupid fight with you days before you left and after you found out about your real family, knowing how hard it must've been for you. 

'Shit...' He cursed at himself for fucking up such an important relationship to him.

'What should I do now?' He muttered to himself.

'Go save her you dipshit'

Shinsou Hitoshi

Stress and pressure filled Shinsou's mind as he trained everyday to finally reach his goal of getting into the hero course. With the assistance of Aizawa, he was so close to tranferring classes. It was the goal of getting better, getting stronger, getting into the hero course that clouded his vision. His mind was filled with only reaching his goal he forgot about the important stuff. No matter how late he trained or studied, there was always food on his table, always a snack or carbonated drink. He disregarded the small post it note attached to them. No matter the drawings of cute little cats or encouraging words, Shinsou solely focused on the recovery of energy these things provided. And so, disregarded one of the people that stuck by him and gave him support. Only until he realised those things were gone, did he finally realise his precious supporter was gone. No more notes, or drinks or midnight snacks. 

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