When He Askes You Out [PART TWO]

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Author's POV

You sat under a tree as you ate your lunch. Nom nom nom nom

'Heya! Cute lady! Mind if I sat down?' Denki said appearing out of nowhere.

'Sure!' You smiled and patted the seat next to you. Silence. You thought of trying to create a conversation. And so....


'How's your day today?' You asked, nchewing on your (f/f).
'Great, yours?'

Awkward silence

'Halloween is coming up! What are you going to be?' You asked.
'Well, I was hoping I could be your boyfriend!'
'Pfft! Well, I hope I could be...dead'

This was a usual thing you did. Denki would always say pick-up lines and you would always shoot it down. Basically, your like the practise girl. You don't mind.

'Oh well, here!' He said, rummaging through his bag and holding it. You held your hand out and he placed it on, but instead of the object. He intertwined his fingers with yours.

'Smooth!' You chuckled and going back into eating lunch.
'You aren't letting go?'
'Nah, I like your hand holding mine!'
'Did our roles just switch?'
'Well then, [Y/n]...would you like to go out with me?'
'That's because I like you!' You giggled before pecking him on the cheek. He got flustered and turned into a blushing mess.
'Owie' you groaned softly. He has stung you with his electricity. It hurts. But you can't help it. Next time you kiss him, it's best to reduce the liquid in your body.

Purple Aizawa

Author's POV

You walked down the hallways with your bag in hanging from your shoulders. You walk home everyday, whether you liked it or not. Today, you were extra tired from the hero training that you accidentally fell asleep in class. When you woke up, the class was empty with a note next to you saying you fell asleep and no one could wake you up no matter how hard they tried. Your classmates even made a game to see who could wake you up but soon gave up as you didn't budge. You chuckled recalling the note. You took a turn into an alley for shortcut. You would take this shortcut in the morning when it's bright, but the sun was setting and it was getting darker by the second.
'Hello~' A voice greeted. You turned your head to see a white haired man standing behind you. It seemed as he had been following you. Two more men appeared. You were clearly outnumbered. The sun was exactly above you which shone through the whole alley. You were able to see clearly.
'Hi' You said back, remaining in a calm state.
'Hello, love~' The white haired man chuckled.
'Nope!' You said before booking it down the alley, towards the exit. You could see the light but it was soon blocked off by the two other males.
'Dang it!' You muttered, 'Well, here goes nothing!' You inhaled and breathed out smoke. It hovered around the two male and soon they were on the ground. You coughed, but before you could take a step forward, a cloth covered your mouth and a knife was held at your throat.
'One move, your dead!' The white haired male growled. You stopped, you couldn't do anything besides listen.
'What are you doing?' A voice you recognize asked.
'Huh? Who are you?' The male growled. His grip soften but you felt yourself slowly passing out.
'Let go of her and turn around and walk away!' Shinso ordered and the male did as told.
'Thanks!' You wheezed before falling into Shinso's arms.


'Where? Am I?' You asked rubbing your eyes.
'My house, your parents weren't home' Shinso answered.
'Thanks for saving me back there! I really appreciate it!' You thanked.
'No big deal' Shinso said before picking up one his cats and stroking its back.
'What time is it?' You asked, stretching.
'12:34' He replied matter-o-factly.
'What?!' You whispered-yelled, 'Mom is going to go crazy!' You quickly gather your stuff.
'Hey, sweetie! I'm sorry but I'm not going to be home for a few days! I have a lovely guy, Mr Yoshi who offered me to go to London with him! *giggle* Don't worry! I'll be safe! Take care of yourself! Bye~' You heard your mom say and a loud "beep" at the end. You turned to see Shinso with your phone and stopping the recording.
'Is your mom still hoping to guy after guy?' Shinso asked, his eyes showed a sympathetic ok. A look you both hated and liked. You liked people showing sympathy to your family issues but hate as sometimes those eyes are sympathetic and laughing at you at the same time. You were bullied because of how your mom and dad seperate while you were very young and so you stuck with your mom and every night she would go out and go clubbing and find guys and get money from them by...you know... You don't mind since at times...most of the times your mom enjoys herself. She also have a powerful quirk and can defend herself if needed. You know that yet you worry about her everyday. You rarely see her since she is always out but you still get money because she transfer it into your bank account.
'Y-yes' You nodded, tears clouding your vision. You were very sensitive about this topic, you wanted a normal family but you still appreciate how you were. You felt a pair of hands wrapped around you into a hug. It was Shinso, he hugged you as you cried.
'You can stay here if you want,' Shinso said.
'Really? Thanks Shinso! Your the best!' You beamed weakly.
'It's no big deal,' Shinso shrugged.
'I have a question, how's you find me?' You asked.
'I, um was going to your house free visiting a pet shop near U.A. and I took the shortcut,' He explained.
'Why were you going to my house?' You questioned.
'Well, I was going to tell you something,' He said, turning away trying to hide his blushing face.
'Tell me what?' You asked more.
'T-t-tell you that I like you,' He confessed.
'I already know that, silly! You really shouldn't randomly place your love letter anywhere. '


'Shinso! Where are you?' You yelled as you entered his house.
"SHINSO! I'm going into your room!' You yelled. You opened the door to see him asleep in his bed. What a rare sight! You smiled before taking a picture. You sat down at his desk and a pink paper caught your eye. You took it and read it. You smiled as you looked at the purple haired male.
'I like you too,' You whispered before kissing him on the forehead and walking out of the room to make him some food.


'Ah, sh!t!'
'Does this mean we're together?'
'If you want to'
'Of course I do!'
You smiled as you jumped on him and peck him on the cheek.
'The cheek? Not the lips?' He asked. You chuckled but was stopped by is lips on yours. You kissed back, of course.

THE END.... for now

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