Tamaki Catch-Up [1]

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How You First Met

'Hoi! My name is [L/n] [Y/n], I hope we can become best of friends!' [Y/n] beamed. That's how she would introduce herself whenever she met new people. Her smile never wavers from her face. It's always on there, never once did she cry, was scared or any negative emotion. She was always the bright and positive sunshine of the class.

'[Y/n], meet my friends Tamaki and Mirio, Mirio, Tamaki meet [Y/n],' Hado smiled.

'Hoi! My name is [L/n] [Y/n], I hope we can become best of friends!' You beamed, doing your signature peace sign.

'[Y/n] is one fo the most positive and happy person I've ever met, maybe you could open up to her Tamaki?' Hado looked at the shy male. [Y/n] smiled at the male, her gum showing, which shows she was very happy.

'U-Uh, s-sure,' The male stuttered.

Your Quirk

Black Ice

Ability : User is able to create ice in any shape or form, after intense training user is able to create ice which is black, any where any time. The ice can be created as a weapon or defence against opponents. The ice can also be toxic, user is immune to the toxic which is produced by the ice. The toxic's ability is unknown

Catalyst : Unknown

Weakness : Unknown

Power : 5/5
Speed : 5/5
Intelligence : 5/5
Co-operation : 5/5
Technique : 4/5

What He Thinks About You

Do you like [Y/n]?
As a friend yes, she's very nice, and is always there to lift the mood, I'd say I'm happier around her, she seems to be able to make people happy install by walking into the room. Wonder if that's her quirk?

Do you think she's pretty?
She's really pretty, like any other girls of course, but she stand out the most. Her aura is always so bright and you could always tell it's her by the cheery voice and her vibrant [H/c] hair.

Tamaki...there's quite a lot of people with [H/c] hair, how could you tell it's her?
Well, there's her scent... and um the way she styles her hair differs from others

Tamaki...have you been hanging around Nejire too much?
I mean [Y/n] is always around Nejire so kinda?

Tamaki...do you have a crush on [Y/n]?
Not that I know of... maybe? I don't know, her smile makes me wanna smile and just her presence gives me butterflies in my stomach. Her smile lights up my day, even when I'm feeling down.

Tamaki, that's called...*dont wanna ruin precious boi's moment* nothing

When You Ask Him Out

[Y/n] has taking a liking to the black haired male. She loves how the male is so shy and she would always hold back the urge to hug him and tell him how great he is. For the past few months, Tamaki has been opening up to [Y/n], which made her beyond happy. Treating every moment they spend together as if it's her last.

'What do I do Nejire?' [Y/n] groaned as she threw the pillow to the ground.

'Wow, haven't seen you this aggravated since l-' Nejire was cut off by a pillow thrown to her face.

'The past is the past, focus on the present,' [Y/n] snapped at her purple haired best friend.

'Sorry, now calm your ass down and let me think,' Nejire shot back, [Y/n] sat down and awaited for Nejire to say something.

'You know the best way you could possibly do is too just say it to him,' Nejire spoke after 1 minute of silence.

'B-But, I don't wanna make it awkward after my hard work of making him open up to me!' [Y/n] whined.

'Best way to not freak him out,' Nejire stated and looked [Y/n] in the eye.

'Fine, I'll do it,' [Y/n] huffed.

'Good, now go! He'll be expecting you,' Nejire shooed away the [h/c]. [Y/n] nodded and left, her heart thumping like crazy.

x T I M E   S K I P x

'Calm down [Y/n]!' [Y/n] told herself as she sat beside Tamaki who was very very confused as to why the [h/c] female asked for him to meet her on the beach, the sun sets slowly as the two admire the view

'The view, its so lovely, and calming, so beautiful and charming, the colours make me feel warm and fuzzy inside, like...how you make me feel,' [Y/n] started speaking, her angelic voice made Tamaki blush. [Y/n] looked at Tamaki who glanced at her and now met her eye contact. They kept eye contact fro a bit until Tamaki looked away, flustered.

'Tamaki, I like you, do...do you feel the same?' [Y/n] asked, looking at him with those eyes, pleading for love, as if she never felt them before. Those eyes Tamaki fallen in love with. Those eyes that cried the most tears.

'Y-yes, I do,' Tamaki replied not looking at [Y/n], he was too shy and embarrassed.


'SO CUTE!' [Y/n] squealed and hugged Tamaki.

'My gosh! Tamaki you're so cute when you're flustered, I'm so lucky to have such a precious boy like you!' [Y/n] blushed and cuddled the taller male.

'I-I...I like you too,' Tamaki smiled at the smaller female in his arms who had fallen asleep after her last statement.

*thank you for 11k reads and I am terribly sorry for not updating, here's Tamaki's catch up part one and Dabi and Midoriya's would be coming up soon, the scenario for when they get jealous for Denki and Shinso would be delayed as I cant think of anything also I'm still on a hiatus but will be updating some random time*

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