When they get jealous [Part 1]

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Bakugo Katsuki
Author's POV

[Y/n] was just casually walking around, window shopping at the mall. Humming a tune as she look at the objects on sale.

Sigh this would be more fun if Katsuki is here


'Katsubabe! I'm going to the mall, wanna come?' You asked your boyfriend who was on your bed, on his phone.

'Hell no, you're probably going to ask me to carry all that shit you buy again!' He scoffed.

'Okay then,' You shrugged as you put on your jacket.

'Love you, bye,' You said before slamming the door.

'Was that a bad idea? Did I just piss her off?'

Flashback enddd

A particular store caught your eye as you scanned the shops nearby. You quickly ran into the shop. Picking out what you want and out you ran back home. After paying of course. You couldn't wait to read the mangas you bought. They were 50% off which means you bought a whole ton.

Damn, should've convinced Katsuki to come with me! These are heavy!

'[Y/n]?' You heard a voice spoke.


'Why do I have a feeling [Y/n] is talking to a guy?' Katsuki frowned as he got up and made his way slowly to the mall you are at.

Back to best girl

'Hmm?' You hummed as you turned around to see a small group of males and female smiling at you.

'Haruhi! Tamaki-senpai! Hikaru! Kaoru! Kyoya-senpai! Honey-senpai! Mori-senpai!' You eyes lit up as you saw your old friends and hugged them. Carefully Putting down your manga in the process.

'I missed you guys so much!' You smiled.

'We did too!' Haruhi smiled back.

'What brings you here?' You asked. You met Haruhi and the others when they went to America for a club trip, and their school is not near Musutafu.

'We heard you were here! It's been so long and we wanted to see how you are doing!' Hikaru smirked. The two twins circled around you.

'So have you found a man yet?' Kaoru grinned. The two twins always fought for your love when they were in America and it just became a thing. You never knew if they were serious or not, so you just played along.

'Yea, I have! His name is Bakugo Katsuki! I wish he was here to meet you all!' You smiled.

'Awww!' The two twins pouted.

'Well, I got to go else Katsuki would be worried! Bye! See you soon!' You waved as you picked up your goods and walked away.

As you past the alley way or gateway to Small Town Of Shitty People, a hand grabbed you and pinned you to the wall.

'My dear [Y/n], it's so nice to see you again,' The voice said, sending chills down your spine. You immediately knew who this was. Tears clouding your vision as your body began trembling.

'It's been years hasn't it?' The white haired male chuckled. Your tears flowed, as your breath hitches. You were terrified. You haven't felt this fear in ages.

'C-Chad, l-let m-me g-go! P-Please!' You trembled.

'A few years without me and you've gotten rude! HOW DARE YOU!' He yelled, letting go and getting into a hitting position.

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