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Odette never thought she was the type to find comfort in alcohol, but right now

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Odette never thought she was the type to find comfort in alcohol, but right now... Well, right now it was the only thing keeping her sane. As Iris, she'd never stepped foot into the White Rabbit and since the curse broke, she'd successfully maintained that tradition. At least until tonight.

Because tonight was the night Belle... Lacey, dragged her roommate out for a night of celebrating the return of her memories. According to her, Odette was much too stiff and boring and needed to let loose. So there she was, sitting in one of the high chairs at the White Rabbit, nursing a glass of Captain Morgan as Lacey went on and on about a topic Odette didn't even understand.

"Another round for the ladies." A man suddenly sat down on Lacey's other side, making both women halt in their conversation as they looked over at him and the uncomfortably friendly smile on his face.

"Thank you." Lacey smiled back at him happily.

"I gotta go to the bathroom." Odette needed to get away before this went in the direction where it was obviously headed. She didn't need to learn another new thing about her roommate's personality, her flirting tactics. Odette could live without knowing that.

And so, after downing the rest of her glass in hopes of it getting her through the cesspool that was surely the bathroom in this place, Odette jumped down from her chair and walked off in the direction where the signs said it was. Instead of going in, since she didn't really need to, Odette simply hung around the obscured hallway for a few minutes.

After a while, she poked her head back out, glancing towards the bar where they'd been sitting, she went to check if the man was still there. She was surprised to find that he wasn't. Not because she was expecting him to hang around, but because his seat was now occupied by none other than Mr Gold. And with David sitting a few chairs away.

With furrowed brows, Odette started to make her way back over, watching as Belle abandoned her chair and went to the jukebox, leaving Gold to lean over to David with what could only be described as a panicked expression on his face. Only when she drew even closer could Odette hear their conversation.

"You just... need a way in. Ask her out. Go on." She overheard David dishing out the advice that made Odette groan in despair as Gold walked away to join Lacey and she herself jumped into the chair next to David. "Well, what's a girl like you doing in a place like this?" David asked, unable to keep himself from laughing at the pained expression on Odette's face.

"Shut up." The blonde grumbled out, making her friend's laughter increase. "And please, don't tell me you've become the Dark One's wingman?" She added on, watching as David shrugged his shoulder, not denying the accusation. It made Odette debate flagging down the bartender for another glass of rum.

"He said he'd owe me a favour." David revealed, making Odette nod in understanding. He best make that favour a very good one.

"Here's to hoping Lacey's taste in men is better than Belle's." Odette raised an imaginary glass as she glanced over at the still talking pair by the jukebox.

"Not a fan of Lacey?" David questioned curiously.

"I mean, I have nothing against her really. She's a bit out there, but she's been nothing but nice... for the most part." Aside from calling her boring and stiff. "And I'm not judging. If she wants to spend her time day drinking and playing pool. Who am I to judge if it makes her happy? But the reality is, I asked Belle to be my roommate. Not Lacey." Lacey wasn't really the type of person Odette would have chosen to be friends with.

"Well, think about it like this. She dates Gold, falls in love with him, kisses him, and her memories are back, as is Belle." David pointed out, telling Odette what Gold's plan was and why they were doing this in the first place. And a small look of approval came over the blonde's face, but before she could voice it, Lacey walked back over to her.

"Come on, I need your help with something back home." Lacey announced, entangling her arm with Odette's as she dragged her away from the bar and David. Walking towards the exit, Odette glanced back at her friend with a dramatic look on her face that made David laugh again as he joined Gold's side.

"What do you need help with?" Odette asked, pulling her jacket closer around her as the two walked out into the street. How Lacey wasn't cold in her new clothes, she was incapable of understanding.

"Picking a date outfit." Lacy said with a small smile on her face.

"So, you said yes to Gold, huh?" Odette asked, forcing a smile to her face. If there was a chance Gold was right, and true love's kiss might be the way to get Belle back, then she'd be the best wing-woman that man had ever seen.

"I did." Lacey announced proudly before sending Odette a questioning look of her own. "What about you?" She asked, making the blonde's brows furrow in confusion.

"What about me?" She couldn't help but somewhat repeat the question in an attempt to gather what Belle wanted to know.

"Mr Gold's friend. He was handsome." Belle pointed out, bumping her shoulder against Odette's in a teasing manner that made the blonde burst out laughing.

"Oh no, no. He's just my closest friend. And he's married." Odette pointed out, filling in the gaps that Lacey seemed unaware of.

"So?" Belle's question had Odette's smile falling. Cheating wasn't an issue. Nice to know... not!

"Well, he's not my type either." She said, hoping that would be good enough reason to have her friend drop the subject. And in a way it was, although it moved them to a different topic Lacey was interested.

"You're right. You seem like the type who'd like a little darkness." Lacey nodded her head with a thoughtful look on her face as her eyes scanned over Odette. The blonde sent her a baffled look in response. "Oh, I'm not judging. I like that too in men. It makes it more fun and exciting."

The revelation had Odette giving out a small sigh. Great, just great. While Belle made the Dark One want to be a better version of himself, Lacey wanted him to be the bad version. The bad version of the Dark One was the last thing Odette would be looking forward to. In conclusion: this was bound to become a mess.


Shorter chapter, but there wasn't much else for Odette to do during this episode. The only other storyline (besides the flashbacks) was Emma getting told about the beans and I couldn't really figure out a way for Odette to fit into that as well as this. But as we near the end of the season, more stuff is coming in which Odette will be involved, I promise.

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