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- Storybrooke, present

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- Storybrooke, present

She'd searched everywhere. The docks. Granny's. Every possible street and corner of their small town. She'd spoken to people and asked around. And despite it all, Odette was no closer to finding Killian than she'd been that morning when she left the Blanchard loft. It was as if he wasn't in Storybrooke at all and the idea unsettled Odette more than anything else. Because if he wasn't here, then where else could he be?

"I'm sure he's fine and you'll find him soon enough." Snow called down from where she was on the top floor, trying to reassure the blonde who'd returned to the Blanchard loft after night fell and ended her day of searching for her. "And who knows, maybe you just kept missing each other because he was looking for you too."

"If he was looking for me, this would have been one of the first places he checked after my apartment." Odette pointed out. One didn't need to know her as well as Killian did to be able to guess that, even if she wasn't at the loft, David and Snow would at least be able to point him in her direction. "And the fact is... He's not the only one who can't be found. Belle had been looking for Neal with no success, and according to the dwarves I spoke to, some of them had been randomly disappearing."

"Yes, Leroy came by to tell us as much." David nodded his head, not nearly as surprised by the information as Odette had expected him and Snow to be. Seeing the somewhat annoyed look on her face, David quickly added more. "We didn't want you to worry, okay? There's no way to be sure that's what happened to Hook."

"Well, I'm worried." Odette gave out a sigh, slumping back. A part of her really wanted to throw caution to the wind and continue on searching through the night. But considering she'd spent the day looking around town, the next logical move would be searching the woods surrounding it. And that was something she couldn't do in the dark.

"We'll figure it out." David reassured her again, reaching over to give her shoulder a gentle squeeze. In response, all Odette could do was send him a half-hearted smile. The more time that passed, the more her mind began to fear the worst. They had no idea of what happened during the year of missing memories. But whatever it was, clearly they'd encountered some kind of trouble. And it made Odette worry that there was a much darker reason she was now unable to find Killian.

Before her thoughts could spiral too far into the tunnel of pessimism, a sharp knock on the door had her and David sharing a confused look between themselves. Throughout the day, it wasn't too surprising when people kept showing up at their door. However, by now it was getting rather late, and they couldn't guess who might be standing on the other side.

Still, somewhat tentatively, David stood and moved away from the table they'd been sitting at to open it. While from where she was sitting, Odette couldn't see who stood on the other end, she more than easily caught the surprise on David's face. The sight of it made her start to rise to her feet to see who the newcomer was for herself, but then she heard the voice speak up.

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