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It had taken some time, but Odette was relieved when she could finally see the familiar castle in the distance

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It had taken some time, but Odette was relieved when she could finally see the familiar castle in the distance. "There it is. The Dark One's castle." She announced to Emma as their entire group came to a short stop, looking ahead and towards the foreboding structure.

"A little more imposing than the pawnshop." Emma muttered out with a small frown before turning to the rest of them and letting a questioning look come over her face as she continued. "So, what do we do now? Knock on the door and introduce ourselves? Hey. We're from the future."

"That's bound to go over well." Odette had to admit, she was entirely unsure on how to handle this situation. If they wanted to protect the future, they couldn't share too much information with Rumplestiltskin who she didn't doubt would somehow use it to his own gain and possibly change things. But she didn't know how else to explain what exactly they needed his help with.

"Speaking of bound to go over well... Might be best if I stay back." Killian pitched in with a sheepish smile on his face as he spoke. "The Dark One and I have a rather complicated past. I'd wager he want to kill me on sight."

"Oh, I'll take that bet." The high pitched voice of none other than the Dark One had the entire group spinning on their heel in surprise as they saw the man himself standing right behind them. And Odette didn't miss the small spark of panic on his face as he took their entire group in. His eyes focusing on her instead of Killian as he spoke again. "I'm not sure how this happened, but can't have you foiling my plans now, can I?" Twisting his hand his magic quickly reached both Killian and Odette as the air started to drain from their lungs.

"Wait..." Odette tried to speak, her voice coming out in a strained groan as she struggled against the hold he had on both her and Killian.

Luckily, both Emma and Aramis had been left free and the former was quick to react. "Stop!" Emma called out, trying to step towards him only to have Rumplestiltskin use his other hand, magic flinging Emma aside and ensuring she couldn't interfere.

"Just give us a chance to explain." Knowing he couldn't really reach the Dark One, Aramis remained in his spot, but didn't spare a moment before he too spoke.

"I don't know who you are, dearie, but why don't you run off and let me enjoy my killing in peace." Still, the Dark One wasn't very willing to listen to either one of them or their explanations.

"They're not a threat to you. None of us are." Aramis pointed out, Odette eagerly nodding her head in an attempt to show he was telling the truth and she meant it too. Her hand clutched at her throat, hoping and praying that he'd spare them for just a moment. Long enough to realize this wasn't necessary.

"You have to listen to us."

"And why would I listen to you?" Rumple scowled in Emma's direction.

"Because if you don't you'll never see your son again." The blonde spoke in a sharp tone, knowing it was the only way to get him to listen. And she was right. Moments later, after some debate seemed to go through his head, the Dark One finally released his hold over Odette and Killian, letting both of them fall to the ground as they gasped for air.

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