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"Will you just hold still for a second longer so I can tie these things?" Odette grumbled in annoyance as she smacked Emma on the arm after yet another round of fidgeting that had disturbed her work

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"Will you just hold still for a second longer so I can tie these things?" Odette grumbled in annoyance as she smacked Emma on the arm after yet another round of fidgeting that had disturbed her work.

"Is this really necessary?" Emma questioned, loudly enough to be heard beyond their little hiding spot where the two women had changed from their modern world clothes into those more appropriate for the Enchanted Forest. Clothes that Killian had rather easily stolen from someone's drying line in the village.

"What would you have done if Regina had spotted you back there?" Aramis who, by the sound of it, had already finished his own changing much quicker, thanks to the lack of a corset, called out in a knowing tone.

"There, all done." Odette announced, giving Emma's shoulders a small push so they could go out and re-join the other two.

"My guess? Run." Emma announced as she squirmed in the dress and corset in an attempt to make it all more comfortable. Odette didn't waste time on telling her it wasn't likely to happen.

"And even if we had, she'd have seen you two. Due to her alliance with King George there's a good chance she'd have recognized Odette." Killian pointed out, the tone of his voice making it clear that was a chance he was entirely unwilling to take. "And she might remember you when you first arrive in Storybrooke."

"She's gonna remember a glimpse of a face 30 years from now?" Emma questioned in a dubious tone.

"It doesn't matter if she would or wouldn't." Odette pointed out. "The goal is to make as little of a lasting impression as possible. And considering what we were wearing, I think everyone would have remembered us as the village weirdos."

"Fine. The only lasting impression I'm concerned about right now, is what this corset is making on my spleen." Emma said, waving around the skirts of her dress again and making Odette give out a small laugh.

"Your discomfort is a cross I'm willing to bear." Aramis jumped in, his flirtatious comment making Emma attempt a disapproving look only to end up smiling in his direction. And Odette had missed none of it.

"Nothing compared to what might happen if we affect the timeline which means proceeding with all caution." Killian brought an end to the short flirtation as he walked towards Odette, speaking while making sure to pull the hood of the cloak he'd gotten her over her head.

A worry that he'd left unspoken was that his mind kept going back to what she herself had said about the time they were in. It wouldn't be long before the Forest was littered with guards and knights searching for her. He was really hoping they'd find a way back to their time before that happened.

Seeing the small signs of worry on his face, Odette reached up, giving his hand a small squeeze of reassurance. But before the moment could last for too long, she turned back to Emma as she spoke. "Killian's right. You're not from a world of magic. We are. So let us be your guides." She tried to convince her goddaughter.

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