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Odette, Emma, and Killian had all followed Neal as he led them through the jungle, realizing only too late where he'd taken them

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Odette, Emma, and Killian had all followed Neal as he led them through the jungle, realizing only too late where he'd taken them. "Something tells me we won't find Pan's Shadow in here, mate." Killian pointed out as they found themselves standing back in the cave Neal had called home when he was here before.

"Yeah, we're looking for something else." He announced, shifting through some of the objects before turning to them and proceeding to explain. "It's a coconut that's carved in two. One part holds a candle, the other part goes on top-" He tried to best describe the object, using his hands as aids until Emma interrupted him.

"Yeah, your star map. We hid it. I'll go grab it." She announced, quickly rushing back out of the cave to get what they needed, leaving Odette standing alone with the two men, praying to whoever might hear her that Neal wouldn't follow after his ex.

And he didn't. "I have a message for you." Neal said, making Odette turn to him with furrowed brows, wondering what that might mean. If it was something else from Pan, she might go out there looking for him just to satisfy the need to punch him in the face. "Robin and the Merry Men say hi."

At that, a wide smile spread over the blonde's face. "So, they're all still there. Robin? Roland? Little John?" She questioned, wanting as much of an update she could get in the moment. Ever since the curse broke she'd been wondering what had happened to them. Hook looked between the two, wondering about all the names she'd just listed off.

"Yes, all of them, and they're all fine." Neal nodded his head with a smile. "They helped me get here." He added happily.

"How did you get here? Unless the Enchanted Forest has gone flush with beans in my absence, I don't remember travelling between realms being an easy task." Killian questioned curiously. It took him and Cora an eternity while Neal seemed to have managed within days.

"I used Pan's shadow. Summoned it and forced it to take me." Neal revealed simply.

"I thought the shadow responded only to children?" Killian questioned in a confused tone. If Neal could summon the shadow himself, then why would they have to trek around the jungle? However, while Killian was confused a highly unamused expression spread over Odette's face.

"Tell me you didn't." She turned to Neal, watching as a hesitant look appeared on his face. Neal remembered what Robin had said about best keeping that part from Odette. "He is four years old! What were you thinking?" She questioned in disbelief.

"He's fine, okay? He's safe and with his papa. Nothing happened to him. I made sure." Neal reassured her, making Odette's shoulders somewhat relax, but she still shook her head in disapproval.

"Who is?" Emma asked as she ran back into the cave.

"Roland." Odette said before realising Emma probably didn't know who it was she was talking about. "Son of Robin Hood." She added background information.

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