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- Storybrooke, present

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- Storybrooke, present

Odette leaned with her hip against one of the tables at Granny's, eyes following Emma's dart, haphazardly thrown in anger but still hitting the board to score at least a few points. "Careful, don't wanna take someone's eye out." She warned, making Emma send her an unamused look.

"Technically, already am." Emma pointed out as she threw it once again. "I'm imagining the Wicked Witch's face as the target." The comment made Odette let out a humourless laugh, rising her glass in silent form of agreement before downing its contents.

"We'll get her." She said to her goddaughter in a reassuring tone. "And then she'll pay for all of this." It was something they had to believe. It didn't make going through the motions of a funeral and a wake for Neal any easier, but Odette hoped that it would make it so in the long run. She stepped forward, about to take the darts Emma was handing her for her turn when something from the corner of her eye caught her attention. "You go again. I need a refill."

Before Emma could even have a chance to question her, Odette turned away and started to head for the counter, ignoring Killian's voice as it called out to her when she passed him. Luckily, he didn't follow as Emma quickly understood the bare basics and captured him in a conversation of their own while Odette joined Regina and Tink in hopes of a distraction as she caught the last of Regina's words to the fairy. "I know. I saw it yesterday."

"Saw what?" Odette questioned as she came to stand on her other side, the two women turning to her with different reactions. Tink sent her a hopeful look, wondering if Odette may be able to persuade Regina on their current topic. The Queen herself, though, didn't look too pleased by her interruption.

"The tattoo. The lion tattoo." Tinker Bell whispered, subtly pointing at one of the people standing behind her. Odette's eyes followed in the direction she'd shown, eyes soon falling on Robin as he spoke to Granny.

"Wait? You two met?" She asked in surprise, eyes snapping back to Regina. "Well, at least that makes my whole plan of how to introduce you two in a perfect moment unnecessary."

"Why would you have such a plan?" Regina questioned with furrowed brows, but seeing the pointed look Odette gave her, she soon connected the dots for herself. "You knew? Since when?" The woman let her own surprise show now.

"Neverland." Odette said honestly, making it seem like it was entirely obvious. "And if we spent a year all together in the Enchanted Forest, I can promise you I was up to the same Cupid tricks back then. Even if we don't remember them."

"Well, stop doing them. Right now, I have better things to do than gossip about boys!" Regina bit back. What she didn't expect, and neither did Tink, was for Odette to simply shrug her shoulders in acceptance.

"You'll just let it go? That easily?" Tinker Bell questioned in surprise.

"It's her choice." Odette said simply. "And trust me, true love is not all it's cracked up to be." She couldn't hold back a small tinge of venom which seeped into her voice. But still, she also found her eyes acting on their own accord, turning to where she could see Killian standing by Henry's table and talking to the boy about something.

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