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- Storybrooke, present

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- Storybrooke, present

"And you're sure Cora never said anything about her?" Odette heaved a sigh as David seemed to ask the thousandth question of the day while they all crowded around Regina after the Witch had left. Much of the other people who'd attended the wake had now gone to their own homes, leaving the rest of the group to discuss the situation among themselves in the nearly empty diner.

"I think I would remember if my mother told me she had a love child with a scarecrow." Regina pointed out in an annoyed tone as she sat at the counter, the thoughtful look never leaving her face as she wondered how she could even begin to find out if what Zelena claimed was true.

"It doesn't matter if Zelena is your sister or not." Emma pointed out. In her opinion, the technicalities of it all weren't their man worry. One thing was clear independent of the truth about Zelena and Regina's connections. "She wants you dead. Any idea why?"

"I've never even met her before today." Regina said, sounding quite certain of it.

"Doesn't mean you did something to piss her off." The saviour pointed out, still rather convinced that this could have come out of the blue and unprovoked.

"You did manage to step a lot on people's toes back in our world." Tinker Bell added on, pretty certain of it herself.

"Well, none of them were green." Regina snapped away.

"Maybe whatever happened, you don't remember it." Odette suggested, making eyes turn to her as she finally spoke up. "I mean, we are all missing a whole year of our lives."

While Odette hadn't meant anything bad by it, Regina still found it annoying, if the way she rolled her eyes was anything to go by. "It's starting to sound an awful lot like you're on her side." She scowled at the lot of them as she began to rise from her chair and head for the door.

But she didn't get to walk out before Emma's call stopped her. "Where are you going?" The blonde questioned in a concerned voice.

"To find out exactly what this witch thinks I did to her." Regina announced before disappearing through the door. Watching her go, it wasn't long before Emma sighed and started to get up from her own chair.

"She shouldn't go alone." The woman announced, grabbing her jacket as she got ready to leave, but not before her mother announced that she too was coming. And it wasn't long before their group was now smaller by three, leaving them in a short silence.

It was David who soon broke it as he got quite antsy with the eyes focused on staring. "Okay, what's with the staring game?" He questioned, turning to Odette with a curious look. "They're staring at you and you're staring at me?" He said, pointing to the Musketeers who stood close around the blonde entirely focused on him.

"I'm pretty sure they're staring at me because they might've noticed the same thing as I did. And that thing that I noticed now has me staring at you as I wonder when exactly you'd gone blind." She said, her words making David send her an unamused look. "And no, this is not a grandpa joke."

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