Taking Care Of You (Pt. 11) : Monty x Freddy x Bonnie (Onshot) - (Final)

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(A/n: you already now the drill it's a part 11. However it's now switched later on Freddy is the one sick instead of Monty. Anyway one more thing before we start based on the title this part will actually be the first time I write this poly trio thing between Freddy, Monty, and Bonnie so yeah hope you enjoy.)

~ Montgomery Gator's POV ~

After Bonnie left the room because of me yelling at him and throwing that plush at him something inside me felt really guilt for some reason. I don't know why it just did. All Bonnie was trying to do was help by returning Freddy to me but I reacted by just being a fucking jerk to him.

(A/n: like I said I'm gonna write a little with this poly trio here. So with no further ado this part will have some Bonty/Gatorbun/Bonnie x Monty stuff which I normally don't write so this will kinda be a treat I guess)

I wanted to go back to sleep but I couldn't. So instead I just rested while Freddy laid on top of me. Either way I then noticed I felt like my cold was finally getting better and decided to go and apologize to Bonnie.

I carefully pushed Freddy off me then headed out of my green room. I walked down the expanded part of Rockstar Row to Bonnie's fairly new green room ever since he was added back into the band.

 I walked down the expanded part of Rockstar Row to Bonnie's fairly new green room ever since he was added back into the band

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When I got there I knocked on his door but he didn't seem so stoked to know who it was

Monty: "Bon, can I come in"

Glamrock Bonnie: "What the hell do you want Montgomery!"

Monty: "Please Bonnie..." *feels a little weak and leans against the door*

~ Glamrock Bonnie's POV ~

When I heard Monty's voice ask if he could come in I wasn't so stoked about it and wanted to say no.

However I then remembered the poly trio talk I had with Freddy and ended up thinking "I guess if Monty and I are going to share Freddy I should try to act more nice to this gator and get on better terms with him. Plus he's sick so I should be nice anyway"

With that in mind I then responded to him in the nicest sounding way possible.

~ Montgomery Gator's POV ~

Glamrock Bonnie: *sighs* "Fine, the door is open come on in"

Monty: "Thank you"

With that I push open the door then get a wave of dizziness and lean against the door's frame

Monty: *curses under breath* "Shit!"

Glamrock Bonnie: *panics a little* "Fuck! Monty!"

He then to my surprise sprang up from his couch and rushed to my side allowing me to lean against him which definitely felt weird considering 1) we are practically frenemies. Then 2) Bonnie is shorter than both me and Freddy just not as short as the girls he's still taller than them

Montgomery Gator Oneshots and Lemons (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now