Taking Care Of You (Pt. 2): Montgomery Gator x Glamrock Freddy (Oneshot)

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(A/n: Well here you have it the part 2 to this oneshot I hope you enjoy it ;3)

~ Montgomery Gator's POV ~

After Freddy had asked me if I was ok I kinda felt bad for snappin' at him but I just didn't want him to know I was sick just yet. In fact a part of me is hopin' he'll figure it out himself. I honestly hate admittin' that I'm sick.

But other than that when we started performin' I was actually shocked with how well I was able to do it even while being sick. I was actually doin' great to my surprise.

However as the performance progressed I had began to start feelin' worse and worse. What didn't help is that my damn battery was also drainin' rapidly as well because of it. I honestly didn't know how much longer I could go on for before my system had enough. Then it happened...

~ Battery ~
- 10% -
- Low Power -
- System Overheating -
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

When it said that I immediately think to myself "Not right now Damnit! *huffs* fuckin' being sick drainin' my battery, this sucks"

Now I didn't know how much longer the performance would go on for but I hoped it would end soon. I really didn't wanna crash on stage like what happened to Fred when the little guy showed up out of no where.

However I had no choice and just powered through it. My battery was at least drainin' a little slower to conserve life but it was still drainin' none of the less.

- Small Time Skip -

Soon after what felt like forever the performance finally comes to an end and the stage lift brings us down to parts and service. I was honestly lucky the show ended when it did because my battery was now at about 2% and I felt as if I was gonna collapse at any moment.

The performance had only made me feel worse considerin' I had to use so much energy. In fact as the stage lift was taking us down I wanted to make it noticeable that I wasn't feeling good to Freddy without telling him. So I specifically went over to Freddy and leaned into his chest making him heat up with blush

~ Glamrock Freddy's POV ~

After the performance was over the stage was starting to bring us down to parts and service. I was now ready to ask what was wrong with Monty to see if I could get an answer out of him this time.

However that question answered it's self. Monty had randomly come up to me and leaned against my chest making me heat up with blush.
~ ~ ~ ~ System Information ~ ~ ~ ~
~ System Error ~
Fazbear_Entertainmeant_co. Inc
Model type: Glamrock_Freddy_Fazbear
~ Not responding ~
System: Overheating
^ ⚠️auto cooling failure⚠️
Battery Percentage: 30%. getting low
Condition Status: Good
Health Status: Well
^ illness type: none
Physical Pain Detection: negative
Mental Pain Detection: negative
Current Mood: tired from performing
System Virus Detections: None
Current Mode: Performance Mode
^ updating to Safe Mode . . .

(A/n: Just an FYI Monty does get a bit whiny in this part but it's only because he's not feeling good and is trying to get Freddy's attention to notice he's not feeling good without actually saying it to him)

Glamrock Freddy: "M-Monty, what are you doing!"

Monty: *whimpers* "mmph, just leave it Freddy" *sniffs*

That's when I thought to myself "H-He said my actual name. But not only that now that I think about it he does not sound good either."

Glamrock Freddy: "Monty, Are you ok?"

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