Chapter 5

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And after that they left and headed home rouge went with shadow and sonic walked alone the sun was setting so it was starting to get a bit cold he couldn't really run home like he did before since he doesn't know how to use shadows rocket shoes and they were weirdly heavy on sonics feet so walking would have to do for now.

The closer sonic got to his home his head started to hurt, like a lot, he held his head as he he could finally see his house he opened the door and headed straight for the coach after closing it he laid down and sighed his head was still pounding

He tried to go to sleep but there was this uncomfortable feeling he had it wasn't the headache it was something else he was trying to figure out what it was but couldn't put his finger on it it was on the tip of his tongue, he grabbed the decorative pillow from under his head and hugged it tightly giving up on figuring it out it only hurt his brain more sonic just looked forward not actually looking at anything letting his thoughts roam free until something tickled his chin he looked down and it was shadows chest fur it was weird to see something like that now attached to his body 'so this is what it's like to have chest fur' sonic thought and started messing with it

It was soft and fuzzy, easy to tell that it was well taken care of, he started dozing off while he was playing with his fur it felt so nice that he forgot about the headache and started to snooze.

'MARIA!' Sonic woke up from a nightmare but it wasn't about him it was about shadow sonic had just witnessed shadows whole life in one night, he was breathing heavily with his eyes teary he ran towards his guest restroom and threw up, all the bunched up feelings overwhelming sonic he coughed trying to catch his breath he stood up flushing the toilet and washed his face he looked in the mirror and stared at his reflection of the ebony hedgehog his quills were messed up and his chest fur was all ruffled and frizzy sonic sighed used his hands to rub down the messed up fur and quills

While still staring at the mirror 'so that's what you went through now I understand why you don't like talking about your past, I'm sorry shadow' sonic thought "i should go see him" sonic muttered and rubbed his head "why can't you go away" sonic said annoyed he turned to leave the restroom but looked back at the mirror again before turning off the light and headed to the door
'Maybe that happened to shadow too" sonic thought as he was walking 'it would make sense if he did I couldn't just be the only one that got a weird dream' sonic thought going up to shadows house he was about to knock on the door when it was swung open revealing an azure hedgehog standing in the door frame who was about to leave "oh hey shadow where are you going" sonic said "nowhere, what do you want?" shadow said cutting to the chase "you had a dream too right?" Sonic asked noticed how shadow still looked pretty tired

Shadow paused for a second and stepped aside gesturing for sonic to come inside which he did and they both sat on the couch "what did you see" shadow said already knowing the answer but just wanted to make sure "shadow I'm sorry" sonic said surprising shadow he didn't expect this "for what?" Shadow asked "for pushing you to telling me about your past I wouldn't tell you if that happened to me, but now i know everything and you weren't the one who told me" sonic said feeling bad he knew it couldn't be avoided but he couldn't help it, shadow sighed "it's alright it's not like you knew it was gonna happen and i also saw your memories so it's fine"shadow said he really wasn't expecting a reaction like this, shadow patted the hedgehogs back softly which made sonic feel automatically better.

"Did miles tell you if he figured out why we're like this yet?" Shadow asked and sonic looked at him "no he hasn't" sonic said "maybe i should check up on him, i have to make sure Egghead doesn't do anything suspicious" sonic said standing up "I'll go with you" shadow said following after sonic as they headed towards the Egg shaped man's secret base.

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