☮︎New york☮︎

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Colbys pov:

Me and Sam jolted up to an ear peirceing noise of pots and pans banging together. "WAKE UP SAM WAKE UP COLBY! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" Elton screamed and Corey stood behind him recoding on his phone. "Ok ok ok were awake." Sam got up out of my lap and out of the window seat

"So did you guys have like a drinking party in here or something?" Corey sat down onto the bed as he rubbed his eyes. "Kind of nothing to crazy. Ok now clean up, get dressed, and pack your things next stop is New York!"

Elton chimed as he walked out the door with Corey. "New York?" Sam questioned and i gasped. "Oh my god Sam you know that hotel with the roller-coaster! Yeah? Thats where we're staying!" Sam jumped up. "No way! Fuck yeah we are!"

I sloppily shoved my things into my suitcase but leaving out a pair of clothes for today as Sam got into the shower. I brushed my hair and put on my clothes, as I started to clean up the room a bit. "Hey Colby!" Sam yelled.

"Yeah? If you see a light green shirt on your bed don't put it away i forgot to grab it! Alright!" Sam then walked out of the bathroom with his messy hair i blushed but quickIy turned away trying to calm down. "You ok Colby?" Sam looked at me with a worried glare in his eyes. "Oh phssh me im fine!" I brushed it off and started laughing as Sam grabbed the shirt and put it on. "Ok you ready to go Colby? Yeah let's get going. Ok now let's go get the others."

We grab our bags and walked out of the hotel room. I look over and see a note on Elton and Coreys hotel room door that read. 'Sam and Colby were waiting for you in the front with the car.' "Oh shit we gotta go!" I exclaim as we rush down stairs and out of the lobby. We then open the back of Eltons car, throw our stuff inside and hop into the car.

"Alright is everyone ready? Corey questioned as he looked back at us. "Yeah" we all answered him. "Alright then lets go. Oh and before we go to the hotel we're gonna go eat at I-Hop. Sounds good im starving!" Sam said as he replied to Elton.

On the way to I-Hop

"Corey wrong way!" Sam yelled from the back seat and Corey did a quick swerve. "OH SHIT!" Jake yelled as he got slamed up against the window. "Im sorry just Las Vegas streets are weird ok!" Corey then missed another turn. "You missed a 3rd turn Corey!" Elton wheezed and Corey pulled the fastest 'U turn' on earth.

"COREY SLOW DOWN!" Aaron started laughing. And Sam got thrown onto me. "U-Uh well hello there Colby. Hey Sam how are you doing this swervey morning? Very awak-" Corey slammed onto the breaks and finally made a right turn.

Sam and I got slammed up against the back seat. "Oww- wow that hurt SO bad-" Sam rubbed the back of his head, and laughed a bit. Then Corey quickly turned into to I-Hop which slamed Elton against the door and Me onto Sam so close that our noses touched.

"Hello again!" I blushed. "Hey" he shyly replied. After having to go through Corey's crazy driving to I-hop we thankfully and finally made it.

"Corey you need to calm the fuck down when you're driving!" Elton was dieing laughing, as we all got out of the car and walked inside. "Phew im out of breath and I wasn't even the one driving." Sam snickered.

"No way in hell am I driving back. Yeah no way in hell is he driving back." I put my hand on the table and stood up while I pointed at Corey laughing my ass off. "Its fine im gonna drive." Elton sighed and picked up a menu.

"Do you guys know what you wanna get?" Elton looked up from his menu and looked at us. "Probably just some buttermilk pancakes." Sam shruged, and Jake put down his menu.

"Im gonna get cheese cake pancakes. Oh shit i forgot they had those. Corey how could you forget about the best thing on the menu? I don't know driving kinda wore me out, anyways what are you getting Aaron?" Corey passed over a menu. "Probably just eggs and sausage."

I then Saw Sam turn to me "Hey Colby what are you gonna get? Oh uh im not sure yet im not really hungry." I shruged and ran my fingers through my hair. "Well if you want you can have some of my pancakes. Thanks Sam but you should eat. And you should eat to Colby." He rolls his eyes and playfully shoved my shoulder.

"Fine I guess I will have a little bit." He smiles at me and by that i could tell Sam was happy and thats all that mattered to me. The waitress then came over to our table, took our orders, and gave us our drinks. I looked over and saw Jake crumpling up the tip of the straw wrapping and then he put the straw his his mouth and spit the wrapping at Corey.

Corey flinched and threw the wrapping back at Jake. "Hey guys the foods here." Elton pointed to the waitress walking towards us with 5 trays of food.

"Oh fuck yeah this looks great!" Jake takes a bite of his food and then turns to look at Elton. "Thanks Elton." Jake thanks him while still chewing his food. "Jake were in a restaurant chew with your mouth closed." Aaron chuckled.

"Hey Colby." Sam tried to grab my attention. "Whats up?" I zoned back into reality and turned to Sam. "You want some? Oh yeah sure."

I grab a fork and take a piece of one of Sams pancakes. "This is really good. Yeah, you can have some more if you want because I doubt I will eat all of this. Alright, thanks Sam."


"Ok is everyone ready to go?" Elton said as he got into the car. I looked around and everyone nodded.. "Yeah we're ready!" I answered him as he started the car and pulled out of the parking lot.

"Such a nice calm ride don't you think Corey." Aaron leaned into the front and looked at Corey. "Oh yeah its perfect. For a minute there I thought you forgot how to drive." Jake buted in.

"Oh yep, yep thats what happened." Corey nodded, me and Sam snickered as we sat amongst the small talk of the others. "Im excited to get to the next hotel from the outside that place looks Badass. Yeah im sure that were gonna have tons of fun today." I agreed with Sam as I leaned my head onto his shoulder.

"Alright guys look where we're at!" Elton exclaimed as we pulled up to the front. "Woo!" Jake whistled as Elton dropped us off at the front so he could go park the car.
After a few minutes Elton walked back. "Are you guys ready? Hell yeah lets go!"

Jake yelled as the sound of people screaming from the roller-coaster caught me and Sam's attention.
We then looked up at the roller coaster and then looked back at eachother and grinned.

"We're going on that fucking roller coaster right now!" I shouted and then me and Sam darted inside the hotel with our bags. "Classic Sam and Colby." Elton laughed. "Hey guys wait up!" Aaron screamed at us as everyone chased after both of us.


1302 words
Sorry for any typos, misspelled words, and other things that I fucked up

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