☆The Cosmopolitan☆

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Sams pov:
I opened my eyes and  noticed that i was wrapped up in a towel with one of Colbys shirts on and snuggled up to hid back. While Jake was passed out on the couch. I sat up quiet and carefully so I didn't risk waking up Colby and Jake. I saw glasses, cans, and bottles of all sorts scattered across the room such as Whiskys, Cocktails, Shot glasses, solo cups, Seltzers, etc.

"Ugh." I groaned as I fully sat up putting my arms on my knees. "Good Morning Sam." Colby sat up. "Morning Colby." I sighed as he looked at me concerned. "You alright? Yeah i just have a headache im sure its from my slight hangover, but I'll get over it." I insisted as I layed back onto his legs. "Alright i just wanna make sure that you're ok." He ran his fingers through my hair.

I looked up at Colby and smothered him in a hug as I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck. He hugged me back and pulled us down onto the bed. We were able to cuddle for a little while before Jake woke up.

I heard Jake yawn and I sat up to see him rubbing his eyes. "Morning Jake." I spoke out to him and he sat up looking over at me and Colby but then quickIy looked around the room to see the mess. "What the fuck happened last night after I fell asleep?" Jake said in shock

"Dont look at me I fell asleep first if your gonna ask anybody as Colby, Elton, Aaron or Corey." I laughed "Colby what did you guys do ,throw a room party or some shit? No, we just got more drinks then we would have liked thats all." Colby shruged sitting up and leaning against the wall. "Hey uh im gonna go get changed im kinda still im swim trunks from last night." I stumbled off the bed and walked into the bathroom to go get changed.

Colbys pov:

"So hey Colby? Yeah whats up Jake? So are you and Sam like a thing now or what, because dont think that I didn't see you kiss him last night. No we aren't ." I groaned sternly. "i was under the influence of alcohol last night so I don't think i fully knew what I was doing." I tried to lie my way out of this conversation but Jake caught on to it.

"Colby, don't try to lie your way out of this one i know that you were completely sober if any one was under the influence of alcohol it was Sam because he was the only one that had more then one drink before we went to the pool." I sigh. "You're right, but still no we aren't a thing. Well do you want to be? Of course i do but I doubt Sam's into me." Jake face palms.

"Colby, are you blind of course he is! Yeah but what if he's faking all of this, just so i can be happy until he decides to turn around and break my heart!" My voice cracks as the thought of Sam stabbing me in the back fills my mind "Colby you know that Sam would never do that to you. You don't know that Jake!" I accidentally raise my voice at him but then i let out a painful sigh of regret and lay down on my side facing away from Jake.

"Colby when has Sam ever lied to you about something like this? Never. Thats right now tonight we're going to go see the fountain show at the Bellagio so try and make a move on him there.

I shruged. " I guess I just don't wanna make him uncomfortable. Watch his movements and pay attention to how he acts and if you see a good opportunity then go for it. Alright, hey thanks Jake. Don't worry about it. And hey sorry about getting pissed off its not because of you its just my mind all over the place. Its alright get it."

Sam walks out of the bathroom still wearing my shirt as he puts his swim trunks in his bag.  "Hey guys im gonna go take a shower, can someone go see if Elton, Corey, or Aaron is awake?" I look over at Sam then over to Jake. "Yeah I will." Jake says as he walks over to the door.

Jake's pov:

I go over to Elton, Corey, and Aaron's room and i start to bang on the door. Soon enough I hear footsteps approach the door and Elton opens it. "Whats up Jake? Is everyone awake in there? Yeah pretty much just Corey has to finish getting ready and then we're outta here. Alright well Colby just got in the shower and Sam's already, ready so I just have to get dressed and then we can go. Alright."

I close the door and walk back into the room. "Elton said everyone's awake and almost ready. Alright!" Colby yells from the shower and Sam hold up a thumbs up from the bed.

Colbys pov:

I get out of the shower and get dressed. "Alright Jake go get dressed. Alright im going, im going." Jake goes to get dressed and I sit on the bed with Sam. "You ready to go to the next hotel? Yeah I am, do you know where we're staying at or is Elton still keeping it a secret? We might be staying at the Bellagio or Cosmopolitan im not really sure though. Oh ok its alright."

Jake walked out of the bathroom and then Elton came and knocked on our door. "Hey is everyone ready?" Elton yelled from the outside of the door. "Yeah!" I yelled back as we grabbed our things and walked out of the room.

We then got into the car and started to drive to the next hotel. "Where are we staying now?" Corey questioned as he stretched. "Right there" Elton pointed to the Cosmopolitan. "Oh fuck yeah i haven't stayed there in years!" Aaron shouted as we parked the car.

We got out of the car, got all our luggage out, and started to walk inside. There were large chandeliers and pillars with large screens on them. "Holy shit, now this is fancy!" Jake applauded. "I've never stayed in the Chelsea Tower Before, im so excited!!" Aaron screeched as he shook Jake and Corey's arms.

We get checked in and walked over to the elevators. "Hey Elton what floor are we on?" Sam asked as he walked over to the elavator buttons. "Floor 60." We all stopped and looked at eachother. "Elton are you fucking around." Jake looked at him with the 'are you serious!' look.

"Nope but its worth it trust me." We groaned as Sam pushed the floor 60 button. After about a minute we arived at the 60th floor. We followed Elton to the room and he opened up the door. "Wait we only have one room?" Corey grabbed Eltons sleeve.

"Yeah." Elton finished opening the door and I pushed past everyone and ran into the room. "You got the Chelsea Penthouse Suite!" Aaron cheered. "Yep I sure did!" Everyone walked inside and started to look around. I followed Sam as we looked inside the master bedroom.

"Wow this sure is nice." Sam stood there looking around. "Yeah it really is Sam." I put my hand on his shoulder. He then leaned over and kissed my cheek, then he turned around and walked out of the room. I touched my cheek and smiled as I then started to think...Maybe he is into me...

"Colby were about to go get dinner!" Elton yells from the other side of the suite. "Alright!" I yelled back as i walked out onto the balcony. I looked out over the strip and into the rest of the city. I let out a long sigh before I heard someone behind me
"Colby are you alright?...."


1313 words
Sorry for any typos, misspelled words, and stuff I fucked up on. If you find any mistakes please just try to ignore them I will eventually find them and fix them

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