☀︎︎Vegas never sleeps☾︎

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(Disclaimer! Mentions of smoking Marijuana, and heavy drinking.)

Colbys pov:

We made it back down to the room and knocked on the door to be greeted by Corey. "Oh hey Colby, hey Sam." Corey opened the door all the way, we walked inside the room as I pulled out my phone to check the time.

"Have you heard from Elton or Jake at all?" Sam asked as he sat onto the couch next to Aaron. "Not yet but im sure they'll be back soon!" Aaron chimed while tapping his feet on the floor.

"So what should we do until they get back?" I questioned leaning against the wall. "Im not sure." Corey shruged sitting down on one of the red chairs in the room.

"Come sit down then we can figure it out." Aaron reached across Sam patting the open seat on the couch. I walked over and sat down next to Sam while I stretched my back. "Tonights gonna be a long night." Sam yawned leaning back onto the couch. "Yeah but hopefully its gonna be a fun one!" Corey laughed as he got off of the chair as he attempted to connect Aaron's Nintendo switch to the tv.

"Yeah." I shruged looking at Sam. "So does anyone wanna play something until they get back so we can pass the time until the real party?" Aaron said passing over 2 of his extra joycons to me and Sam. "Sounds fun." Sam agreed and I picked up the other joy con.

"So what do you guys wanna play?" Aaron pulled out his games. "Hm well what about smash bros ultimate?" Corey looked over at Aaron. "Sounds good what do you guys think?" Aaron looked at me and Sam. "Fine with me what do you think Colby? Oh yeah thats fine."

I picked up the joycon but then I felt a notification go off in my pocket so I pulled out my phone and saw that Jake had texted me.

Jake: Yo were on our way back.
Colby: Alright how far are you away?
Jake: Passing Mandalay Bay rn.
Colby: Alright cool I'll tell everyone.
Jake: K see ya.

"Hey guys their almost back." I put down the joy con onto the table. "Already?" Corey questioned. "I guess so. Well the sooner they get back the sooner we get to party!" Sam said getting off of the couch. "Hell yeah." Corey nodded.

About 6 minutes later we heard footsteps walking towards our door. "That has to be them." Aaron recalled pointing at the door as it flung open. "Hey guys!" Jake yelled walking in with 6 different bags filled to the brim with stuff.

"Dude!" Corey laughed with a grin on his face. "We are gonna fuck this place up, tonight!" I said with an excited tone as Elton walked in with 3 more bags. "More like how much are we gonna drink tonight, geeze!?" Aaron laughed looking at me.

"As much as you want!" Elton said putting some of the bags on the counter while Jake put the rest on the floor. "You guys better have gotten chasers." I pointed at Elton. "Calm down Colby we got a lot. Alright good because tonight I'm going all out like seriously." I laughed and I saw Sam smile at me and giggle under his breath. I looked over at him and slighly smiled.

"Hey guys come help me with this." Jake yelled as he started to get all of the drinks out and started to put them onto the counter. Then Sam walked over to me "Whats so funny Sammy." I laughed nudging his shoulder.

"Colby you, me." He acted as if he was holding something and lighting it.. Sam smoked marijuana with me at times but it wasn't often so all I did was shrugged.

"Sure why not, Hey Jake we'll be right back i have to go get something! Alright but don't take to long. Go ahead and get everything together. You sure Colby? Yeah go ahead." Me and Sam walked off, i grabed a small pouch out of my bag then I snuck into the bathroom with sam.

"You got the stuff? Yeah here." I opened the pouch and handed him a blunt. "I also got dab if you want that. Nah this is fine I just need something to start this night off. Alright." I smiled lighting it. Sam hit it and passed it to me.

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