☯︎Candlelit dinner☯︎

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Sams pov:

"So is anyone getting hungry?" We all looked at eachother and nodded. "Yeah I guess so." Colby shruged. "Alright then lets go get dressed because what we're wearing isn't gonna fly for where we're gonna eat." I glared at Colby in confusion and he just stared back at me and shruged.

We got back to our room and started to pick out what to wear. "Elton what do we have to wear?" Corey looked at him pulling out some clothes. "Just like some nice jeans and a some sort of nice shirt nothing more then that so Colby no chains. Oh alright." Corey shruged. And Colby jokingly scoffed as he grabbed some dark grey jeans and a white shirt.

"Is this good enough? Yeah that looks fine Colby." Elton said as Colby nodded and went to go get dressed.
After everyone got ready the sun was now set and the Vegas Strip flooding with more people by the second as we started to head over to elevators so we can go up to the restaurant.

"Are you guys excited for tonight after we eat?" Jake pondered. "Yeah for our last night in Vegas I think its only appropriate to party!" Aaron said as he looked at Jake and nodded. I looked at Colby and it looked like he was nervous. "Colbs are you ok?" I waved my hand infront of his face and he then shook his head and looked at me.

"Oh yeah im ok just thinking about something!" He smiled. "Alright." I leaned on him and I felt his body heat up. The elavator door opened and we were finally at the restaurant we got seated at one of the tables that was facing the strip. Jake sat by the glass, And i sat next to Jake while Colby sat on the outside next to me. Elton, Aaron, and Corey sat on the other side.

"Now this is nice." Jake said as he looked at the menu. "Yeah." Aaron laughed and then Colby looked at me and smiled. "So what is everyone gonna get drink wise?" Elton chimed setting down the menu.

"Im getting the Midnight Dream Cocktail." I said and looked back at Colby. "Probably just Crown Royal." Colby said fixing his hair. "I'm getting red wine." Aaron shruged. "Pink Whitney!" Jake stretched and Corey put down his menu. "Im getting Jack Daniel's, what are you gonna get Elton? "Eh probably just Pinot noir."

We got our drinks ordered and now it was time to order food. "Im getting steak!" Jake blurted out. "Jake you always get steak. Because its good Corey! I dont know about you guys but im getting Lobster." Aaron said taking a drink of his wine. I nodded and then thought about what Jake was getting.

"You know, I think im gonna get Steak to that sounds fucking great right now." I said looking over at him and then Corey spoke up. "Im gonna get the Garganelli Pasta. And im getting Lobster Bisque." Colby said as he put all our menus in the middle except for Eltons. "I think I'll get the same thing as Corey." Elton put his menu in the middle as the waiter came over to our table and took our final orders.

"Ok so after we eat Me and Jake are going to go pick up a few things for tonight so after we eat just meet us back at the room or you guys can go down town and fuck around so then we can just call you guys when ever we get back." Elton assured the rest of us. "Alright sounds good." Colby said taking a swig of his drink.

"So what are you guys going to get? You'll see Colby." Jake shruged off his question and then Colby looked over at Elton and he just nodded.

20 minutes later.

"Ok who wants to bet that Aaron is gonna be the last one to get his meal." Jake snickered. "No i bet yours is gonna come last." Corey pointed at Jake. "How come?" He said with a cocky voice. "Jake, you ordered the Steak Combo Aaron just ordered regular Lobster!" Corey laughed as Jake rolled his eyes. "I doubt it."

We started getting our food one by one and what do you know Jake's was the one taking the longest. "Mine is gonna take the longest hm?" Aaron taunted and looked at Jake.

"Yeah, Yeah what ever Aaron its not my fault that I knew nothing about Lobster! Yeah sure Jake." Colby teased. "What ever lets just eat our food."

After we finished eating.

"Alright so we'll see you guys in the room later? Yep!" Aaron said as he took the last gulp of his wine. "Alright then see you guys in about an hour." Elton said as him and Jake walked over to the elavators.

I finished off my drink and we all walked over the the elavators.
We got into the elevator and I clicked the top floor button. Aaron looked at me confused. "Hey uh me and Colby are gonna go up to the look out you guys can meet us in the room or we can meet up down town somewhere alright?"

I said holding up a thumbs up to Corey and Aaron. "Sounds good we'll meet you back in the room just knock because we got the key." Corey said shooing us out of the elavator.

"Alright see you guys soon." I waved at them as they yelled from behind us. "Dont have to much fun!" Corey Started to laugh and Aaron was trying to hold in his laughter as I jokingly flipped them off.

Me and Colby then walked over to the look out of the stratosphere. "Nice night tonight isn't it?" I said as I turned to him. "Yeah it is." He smiled. "I cant believe that it's already our last day here." Colby sighed.

"Yeah time flew by fast but im glad that I was able to spend my first time here with the people I love most. I guess you're right and besides it doesn't matter the place we are as long as im with you I will always be happy."

Colby smiled and my eyes lit up and I smiled back. "Hey Colby? Yeah Sam?" He looked at me side-eyed. "If we do ever get into a er well serious relationship i just wanna promise you that, that's not gonna change what happens with our friendship or youtube ya know."

Colby nodded. "I know, and im very glad that It won't change stuff like that." He smiled. "Yeah me to." I leaned my head on Colby shoulder as I muttered. "I love you, Colby." Colby wrapped his arm around me. "I love you to Sam."

He smiled as i lifted my head and smothered Colby in a kiss wrapping my arms around his neck. Colby kissed me back and put his hands around my waist as the lights from below lit up the sky.

I had loved Colby for a long time and now that I know he feels the same about me I think tonight is gonna finally be the time i speak up... Colby released our kiss and smiled.

"Now let's go, Party!" I cheered. "Fuck yeah!" Colby grinned as he grabbed my hand and started to run toward the Elavator....

Brooo one chapter left im so excited to finally finish this book!! This book has been such a blast to write and now that im down to the last chapter im so excited to finally finish something <33
Also I apologize for the boring chapter I had more in store for this chapter but idk where it all went-
1245 words
Sorry for any typos, misspelled words, bad writing, and stuff I fucked up on.

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