☁︎Roller coasters and Pool's☁︎

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Sams pov:

We ran inside the hotel and our eyes lit up. "Holy shit this place is awesome!" I yelled looking at Colby. "Fuck yeah!" He yelled back at me. We turned around to see the rest of the guys running after us.

"If you two would have ran any farther we would have lost you!" Jake laughed as Elton walked up to the front desk and got our room keys. "I got us two suites so three of us can sleep in one and the rest of us can sleep in the other. Ohh what suites did you get?" Aaron smiled. "The Marquis Suite and Player Suite. Ohh nice I've stayed in the Marquis suite once as a kid!" Aaron exclaimed.

Me and Colby ran to the elevators while the guys trailed behind. After everyone got in the elavator Elton hands me a room key. "Here this is for the Marquis suite." I nodded and the elavator doors opened and we walked out of the elevator to our rooms. "Alright who's staying with who?" I asked everyone.

"I'll stay with Sam and Colby." Jake walked over to me leaning on his bag. "Alright then I guess im staying with Corey and Elton." Aaron smiled as I opened the door and walked inside.

I was the first one to see the room and I looked in the corner to see a hot tub. "COLBY, JAKE THERES A HOT TUB IN HERE!" Colby and Jake ran around the corner. "Holy shit, thats awesome." Jake laughed. "Tonight is gonna be so cool. I know right we're gonna be drinking, listening to music, and chilling in a hot tub with our friends, in a fuckin hotel room!" Jake chimed as he threw his bag on the couch.

"Are you guys ready to go in that roller coaster now!" Colby smiled as he put his bag on his side of the bed since there was only one bed. "Ok guys lets go!" We go get Elton, Corey, and Aaron so we can all go on the roller-coaster a few times before it closes for the day.

We make it down stairs to the entrance of the Big Apple Roller-coaster thankfully the line wasn't long and we were nere the front. "Hey guys look over there!" Corey pointed behind us to a arcade. "Oh hell yeah after we ride this a few times lets go play some games!" Colby murmured.

"Guys come on we're next!" Elton yells back at us and we all get strapped into the Big Apple Elton and Corey sat in the front, me and Colby in the 2nd row, and Jake and Aaron in the 3rd plus some people behind them. "3!...2!..1!.HAVE FUN!" The guy operating the Big Apple yelled as we started moving upwards. "Oh fuck yeah im so excited!" Colby grabbed my hand and shook it as we came up to the steep sloap.

After a few seconds we went down. "WOO!!" Elton yelled as he forced Coreys hands off of the bar and into the air. "ELTON, STOP!! ELTON!" Corey screamed as he tried to push eltons hand off his wrist. we then came to a side ways turn and a loop "HELL YEAH!" Colby screeched and I laughed at him as he held my hand and threw our arms up into the air while still grasping onto my hand. We came to a few more turns and then we went upside down again as we struck the second loop. "WOOHOO!" Jake and Aaron shrieked from behind us. We hit a few more twists and turns but then we came to the end of the ride. "LETS DO THAT AGAIN!" Jake yelled.

After we rode the roller-coaster a few times

"Holy shit was that fun!" Colby exclaimed and let out a deep breath. "Tell me about it." I leaned onto him as we walked over the the arcade. "Lets go play some games!" Jake hollered. "Hell yeah!" Corey screamed as we walked into the arcade.

We got our game points and as everyone walked of to go do their own things I noticed skee-ball over in the corner, so I grabbed Colby's arm and dragged him over to the skee-ball tables. "Colby 3 rounds, best 2 out of 3 has to buy the other a drink, deal? Deal!" Colby shook my hand.

After the first game

I was in the lead so far 1 to 0
Second round me and Colby tied 1 to 1. "You're going down Colby!" I teased him. "Sure Sam Suree!" He jokingly rolled his eyes. We rolled our first ball and I got 30 and Colby got 10. Second ball i got 20 and Colby got 40 we're now tied but little did I know that we wouldn't be for long.

Third ball i got 10 and Colby got 20. Colby took the lead by ten him having a score of 70 and me having a score of 60. "Hah, look who's in the lead now Sam. Yeah, Yeah but Im sure that I'll beat you! Just watch Sam you're gonna loose and you will have to by me the first drink of the night!" Even though the punishment for the loser wasn't bad Colby and I tend to get really competitive over little things like this. For our forth ball I got 0 while trying to aim for 100 And Colby got another 20 "Damn it!" I huffed and Colby giggled.

For our final ball we lined them up and rolled them i scored a 40 and Colby got a 50. Leaving me with a total of 100 points and leaving Colby with 140 points. "Fuck I lost." I sighed.

"Its alright Sam im sure you'll win next time." Colby opened his arms for a hug. I hugged him back and I felt his nuzzle his face slightly into my neck "Good game Colby so what kind of drink do you want? Hmm, oh get me one of those 'Sex On The Beach' cocktails! Alright I'll be right back. Ok im gonna go find the guys! Alright."

Right after the arcade closed we went down to the pool it was around 11:36pm so not a lot of people were down there which was nice. "CanonBall!" Jake yelled as he jumped into the pool. Colby soon followed him and jumped in. I walked over to the edge about to jump in when
Colby jumped up from out of the water, grabbed my hands, and dragged me into the pool.

"Colby-" i said unamused. As i shook the water out of my hair. He held onto my hands and dragged me with him through the water. "You know Sam, you have beautiful eyes." Colby smiles at me. I became flustered as he said that to me, he's never like this but to be honest I don't mind it I've had a small crush on Colby..well a big crush on him for a while... I smiled back at him. "Sam I think I love yo- KISS HIM COLBY!" Corey screamed from the other side of the pool ruining the moment.

Colby blushed and glared over at him. "Colby what were you gonna s-" he then pulled me under the water and gave me a passionate but quick kiss. Did Colby just really kiss me!?! I was shocked at first but I quickly kissed him back before he pulled away. After that we started to swim around and at one point me and Colby were in the shallow end looking up at the stars.

"You know its a very nice night tonight isn't it Sam? Yeah it really is." I smiled as I shifted my hand on top of Colby's. He then looked down at our hands then at me and blushes.

After the pool

After we got back from the pool I couldn't stop thinking about what Colby was trying to say to me before he kissed me I feel like he was trying to confess something but I dont wanna jump to conclusions yet... I decided to push it aside for now but something keeps coming back to my mind...I think im in love with Colby...I know I've had a silly crush on him for a while but now I think this stupid crush is turning into something bigger.

"Sam? Hey Sam?" Corey waved his hand infront of my face. "You ok Sam? Oh me yeah im alright! Ok just making sure." Corey sounded confused but he eventually shruged it off.

we walked down to the Marquis Suite and turned on the hot tub. "Holy shit i haven't been in a hot tub in years!" Colby exclaimed with a few voice cracks.

After we let the hot tub warm up we all got in it. I sat next to Colby and we all talked and drinked. I think its safe to say that we had a good time today from Corey crazy driving to sitting in a hottub with most of the people you care about..

I started to get lost in my thoughts while resting my head on Colbys shoulder, I then accidentally started to fall asleep.

Jake's pov:

I looked over and saw Sam asleep on Colby shoulder asleep. "Uh hey Colby?" I pointed to his shoulder. "What is it?" He looked down to see Sam asleep. "Oh uh hold on." He picked up Sam and wrapped him up in a towel, then set him on the bed.

Colby then got back into the hot tub. "Who wants more drinks?" Colby offered and everyone asked for some more. "Alright!" Colby called room service so we could get the drinks and some side snacks.

"Thank you." Colby said to the lady who brought our drinks as he shut the door bringing in the drinks and 3 big bags of chips

After we talked a little while longer I was getting tired so decided to get out and go to sleep. "Good Night guys. Night Jake." Aaron waved at me before I layed down and fell asleep.

1700 words.
Sorry for any typos, misspelled words, or things that I fucked up

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