◇The Strat◇

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(Warning! Mention of Cigarette's and Marijuana at the beginning things do get better in the story this isn't anything to worry about its just a like part to give the story some 'spice')
Aaron's pov:
I woke up at 4:46am everyone was asleep so all I could do was ither sit and wait for someone to get up or find something to do prior time, because I know damn well I wasn't going back to sleep for a while. So I got up and grabbed a drink from the mini fridge and layed back down thinking about what I could do.

But little did i know someone else was awake... I heard faint music coming from someone's phone out on the balcony, i got up and looked to see Colby looking off into the city quietly singing 'Looking Out For You by Joy Again.' I saw a tear fall from his eye and down off the balcony. I wonder what happend i felt bad for the guy but there's nothing I could do because I don't wanna just barge into the room him and Sam are staying in. So I sat back down and pulled out my Nintendo switch so I could play Mario Cart.

Colbys pov:

I pulled out a cigarette from one of my pockets and glared at it, hesitantly putting it against my lips. I had told the others that I quit but I have no other option but to smoke it puts me in my place and since I didn't have a vape cigarettes became only option...

I know Nicotine is bad and i know i would get conflict from the others if they found out, but at this very moment i didnt care.. I inhale and then blow out a cloud into the sky. After I finished the cigarette I reached into one of my hidden pockets and pull out a blunt.

I have issues that I refuse to tell people they're not bad but just sometimes shit really gets to me. I let out a shakey sigh as I turn around and look at Sam sleeping. I slightly smile I turn around and started to smoke. After a while i reaked of Nicotine and Marijuana. A groaned as I layed back down i sighed feeling a bit better then I did before but then I accidentally woke up Sam.

"Colby?" His voice was husky as he looked up at me. "Fuck I'm sorry Sam I didn't mean to wake you." I say in fret hoping Sam won't notice the sent but it was too obvious for him not to notice.

"Colby...have you been smoking?" Sam fully sits up. "N-No." I lied but then Sam grabbed my hoodie and smelled it. "Colby you don't have to lie to me..." I gulped. "I thought you quit that stuff what happened?"

Sam asked me as he stretched. "I-I don't know.." I sighed. "Fuck, Colby are you sure everything is ok? Yeah im fine I dont know why but I just turned back to it. And this isn't some sort of fucked up prank?" Sam said worried as my breathing heavies. "Its not im so sorry Sam.."

I looked at him with tears forming in my eyes. He them wrapped his arms around me. "Just promise me not to get addicted again... I will try my best Sam." I sighed as I nuzzled up to him. "For now just lets try not to worry about it." I grabbed sams shoulders and he nodded.

We both knew that me smoking again would be the only thing ingraved into the back of his mind. He knew how I was when I got addicted to Nicotine it turned into a really bad issue...

"You should probably go take a shower or something so no one else smells that stuff on you because its really obvious and I don't want you getting nagged on by the others. Yeah you're right Sam." I chuckled and grabbed some clothes and got into the shower.

Sam's pov:
I layed back down trying to fall back asleep but after a little while I heard music start to play and Colby singing rung from the bathroom. I smiled as I listened to the lyrics he was singing.

"Everybody's got somebody but me." I sat up. "And i miss you, without you I just don't fit in." His voice echoed through the bathroom as I heard the water shut off. "Everybody's..got.. somebody..but..me..." He opened the door as he sung the last lyrics of the song. I quietly clapped. And Colby blushed but then bowed. "Sorry about that I forgot we weren't home for a minute." Colby chuckles as I laughed with him.

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